Benefits of Drumstick (सहजन)

सहजन (Drumstick) एक फल ही नहीं मानव के लिए कुदरत का चमत्कार है जो 100 से ज्यादा रोगों में… दुनीया का सबसे ताकतवर पोषण पुरक आहार है सहजन 300 से अधि्क रोगो मे बहोत फायदेमंद इसकी जड़ से लेकर फुल, पत्ती, फल्ली, तना, गोन्द हर चीज़ उपयोगी होती है आयुर्वेद में सहजन से तीन सौ रोगों का उपचार संभव है सहजन के पौष्टिक गुणों की तुलना 1-विटामिन सी- संतरे से सात गुना 2-विटामिन ए- गाजर से चार गुना 3-कैलशियम- दूध से चार गुना 4-पोटेशियम- केले से तीन गुना 5-प्रोटीन- दही की तुलना में तीन गुना   स्वास्थ्य के…

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सर्दियों में उठायें मेथीदानों (Fenugreek Seeds) से भरपूर लाभ

➡ मेथीदाना उष्ण, वात व कफनाशक, पित्तवर्धक, पाचनशक्ति व बल वर्धक एवं ह्रदय के लिए हितकर है | यह पुष्टिकारक, शक्ति – स्फूर्तिदायक टॉनिक की तरह कार्य करता है | सुबह – शाम इसे पानी के साथ निगलने से पेट को निरोग बनाता है, कब्ज व गैस को दूर करता है | इसकी मूँग के साथ सब्जी बनाकर भी खा सकते हैं | यह मधुमेह के रोगियों के लिए खूब लाभदायी हैं | ➡ अपनी आयु के जितने वर्ष व्यतीत हो चुके हैं, उतनी संख्या में मेथीदाने रोज धीरे –…

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Magic of Herbs at your fingertips Vegetables and fruits are an integral part of the Indian diet. However, one often tends to overlook the importance of herbs in our meals. Apart from enhancing the flavor of your food, herbs are power packed with healing properties. Ayurveda and Naturopathy believe in the health benefits of the herbs and support that including these in your daily diet can work wonders for your overall well being. You may be already using most of them in your cooking. But the knowledge about their healing…

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Water Therapy: What is Water Therapy?

For several centuries water has been an integral part of treatment of several diseases among the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks, Persians and Hindus. The Chinese used water as a remedy several centuries before Christ, the Japanese used cold water for treatment of several diseases almost eight hundred years ago. Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, also used hot and cold water successfully for management of diseases such as fever, ulcers, bleeding, inside or outside the body, etc. How is the water regulated? Whenever there is water shortage in your house, you…

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Magnet Therapy

Magnet therapy is a clinical system in which human ailments are treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients. It is the simplest, cheapest and entirely painless system of treatment with almost no side or after effects. The only tool used is the magnet. Magnet therapy, also known as Magnotherapy or Magnetic Therapy, is an alternative form of therapy that utilizes the force of magnets to provide pain relief. The magnetic field produced by a magnet is believed to have the capability of relieving…

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बज्र अंग चाहिए तो खाइये बाजरा

  ?बाजरा खाइए, हड्डियों के रोग नहीं होंगें। ?बाजरे की रोटी का स्वाद जितना अच्छा है, उससे अधिक उसमें गुण भी हैं। ?- बाजरे की रोटी खाने वाले को हड्डियों (Bones) में कैल्शियम (Calcium) की कमी से पैदा होने वाला रोग आस्टियोपोरोसिस (Oestoporasis) और खून की कमी यानी एनीमिया (Anemia) नहीं होता। ?- बाजरा लीवर ( Liver) से संबंधित रोगों को भी कम करता है। ?- गेहूं (Wheat) और चावल (Rice) के मुकाबले बाजरे में ऊर्जा (Energy) कई गुना है। ?- बाजरे में भरपूर कैल्शियम होता है जो हड्डियों के…

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Balanced Diet

Variety of foods essential for a balanced diet Nutritionally adequate diet should be consumed through a wise choice from a variety of foods. Nutrition is a basic prerequisite to sustain life. Variety in food is not only the spice of life but also the essence of nutrition and health. A diet consisting of several food groups provides all the required nutrients in proper amounts. Cereals, millets and pulses are major sources of most nutrients. Milk which provides good quality proteins and calcium must be an essential item of the diet,…

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Detox yourself with this expert-recommended diet plan

Consult a nutritionist before you undergo such a diet and inform him/her about any health problems you are suffering from. By – Neha Chandna In today’s hectic lifestyle, our bodies are exposed to a lot of toxins through air pollution, food and water. Use of preservatives in packaged food, presence of pesticides in vegetables all lead to toxins depositing in our body. Some of the harmful effects of this toxicity are indigestion, headache, tiredness, skin problems, poor concentration, etc. It is important to go on a detox diet in order to…

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Reusing plastic bottles could do you more harm than good

That’s because the plastic bottle you’re constantly replenishing isn’t made to be re-filled – meaning it could have the potential to leach chemicals and harbour harmful bacteria. New Delhi: Refilling those plastic bottles again and again could actually be harmful to your health, as per a new research. That’s because the plastic bottle you’re constantly replenishing isn’t made to be re-filled – meaning it could have the potential to leach chemicals and harbour harmful bacteria. In a study conducted by Treadmill Reviews, researchers lab-tested water bottles after each had been…

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Herbs that Heal

Here is a list of some of top healing herbs that may be in your cupboard: Rosemary has shown a lot of cancer-protective potential.” Frying, broiling, or grilling meats at high temperatures creates HCAs (heterocyclic amines), potent carcinogens implicated in several cancers. Rosemary contains carnosol and rosemarinic acid, two powerful antioxidants that destroy the HCAs. Oregano this super herb is very rich in anti-oxidant phytochemical flavonoids and phenolic acids. Oregano oil has been classically used as a disinfectant, an aid for ear, nose, & throat/respiratory infections, candida, and any sort…

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