Because of constant pressure, blood supply reduces in the skin and tissues underneath, thus resulting in bed sores. Bed sores are common among people who are wheelchair bound or bed ridden because of medical reasons. Pressure sores or bed sores are injuries developed when the skin faces pressure for a long time. Bed sores are common among people who are wheelchair bound or bed ridden because of medical reasons. Because of constant pressure, blood supply reduces in the skin and tissues underneath. This results in sores in the area. Pressure…
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by Lloyd Sometimes certain health conditions open our awareness to the importance of a balanced lifestyle. Regular medical checkups, exercise and a healthy nutrition are essential to maintain and protect our bodies. Next to all of these we should not forget that there are more ways we can assist our body in the healing process. This article is about KidneyReflexologyFoot Massage, an old traditional form of healing. This practice has been known throughout the ancient China and Egypt, dating far back as 4,000 B.C. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine the Kidney Reflexology point…
Read MoreHome Remedies for Clogged Ear
BY JONATHAN PITTS A clogged ear is very painful and irritating and needs to be relieved immediately. We commonly see children reporting of ear pain. 90 percent of the cases of ear pain are due to clogged ear. Ear can be clogged either due to the presence of ear wax or fluids in the ear. If proper care is not taken while giving bath to the children it will clog their ears. Before you attempt to cure the clogged ear, know the cause of the clogging. In some cases it could…
Read MoreOne-third of the Population of the World is suffering from Lifestyle Diseases, are You?
The more we as a human race are evolving, the bigger list of problems seems to come our way. The adage, “science is a slave or the master?” is being better answered for the worst and turning our heads away from the reality that is looking right at us wide-eyed; will only bring doom to the humankind and sooner. Cell phones, laptops, cigarettes, and alcohol are those lifestyle blunders humans commit on a regular basis, thereby cutting the very branch they are cosily sitting on. Falling from which won’t just…
Read MorePIW – Parent Induced Wastefulness…. (Don’t) take it easy!
When parents strive to give their children the best of everything at an early age, they are sowing seeds for materially insatiable monsters that are prone to sloth, apathy, avarice and fear. Don’t stand in self- defense as yet. I have proof. As I sit in my counselor’s chair day after day, I encounter an altogether a new disorder that I have come to label as-Parent Induced HB Wastefulness (PIW). Here are a few examples: 26-year-old Manas does not want to finish his Engineering degree because he does not ‘feel…
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