A. Two things to check often: (1) Your blood pressure (2) Your blood sugar B. Four things reduced to minimum: (1) Salt (2) sugar (3) dairy (4) starch C. Four things to increase: (1) Greens (2) Veggies (3) fruits (4) Nuts D. Three things to forget: (1) Your age (2) your past (3) your grudges E. Four things to have: (1)True Friends (2)Loving family (3)Positive thoughts (4)Non Judgemental F. Four acts to stay healthy: (1) fasting (2) Laughing (3) Exercise (4) Weight loss G. Four things not to wait for:…

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1. Two things to check as often as you can (1) Your blood pressure (2) Your blood sugar   2. Six things to reduce to the minimum on your foods: (1) Salt (2) sugar (3) preserved meat and foods (4) red meat especially roasted (5) dairy products (6) starchy products   3. Four things to increase in your foods’ (1) Greens/vegetables (2) beans (3) fruits (4) nuts   4. Three things you need to forget: (1) Your age (2) your past (3) your grievances   5. Four things you must…

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Treating Chickenpox At Home: Amazing Home Remedies That Can Help You Deal With Chickenpox Easily

Some common symptoms of chickenpox are fever, pain in the eyelids, headache, rashes in the body, muscle ache, loss of appetite and even nausea. Chickenpox or also known as varicella, is a highly contagious infection which is caused by the varicella zoster virus. Most cases of chickenpox occur through the contact with an infected person. The virus is contagious to those around you for one to two days before your blisters appear. Varicella zoster virus remains contagious until all the blisters have crusted over. It is very uncomfortable and most people recover within…

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Labour Day 2019: Know what is May Day and why is it celebrated

Every year May 1 is celebrated as International Labour Day to fete the labourers and the working class. Every year May 1 is celebrated as International Labour Day to fete the laborers and the working class. It is also known as Workers’ Day marked in many European countries. In India, this day is known as Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas, Kamgar Din, Uzhaipalar Dinam, Kamgar Din. The theme of Labour Day 2019 is “Uniting Workers for Social and Economic Advancement”. It happens to be a public holiday in many countries. However, May…

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Take Out Rest Time!

By Swami Tejomayananda All beings have been pre-programmed to balance work and rest. Man’s constitution, like most other beings, is made to work during the day and rest at night. Sleep, especially at night, rejuvenates and refreshes us. However, with the discovery of electricity, we play night cricket, indulge in late night TV- watching, study, eat and so on. This artificial life-style has a negative effect on our body and mind. These days, we hear of young CEOs with huge pay packets, jet-setting around the world, working non-stop. Their success…

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अपेंडिक्स का कारण,लक्षण व उपचार

★ अपेंडिक्स आँत का एक टुकड़ा है। इसे डॉक्टरी भाषा में एपिन्डिसाइटिस कहते हैं| ★ चूँकि हमारे पेट में कई अंग होते हैं, इन अंगों की अनेक बीमारियों में पेटदर्द, बुखार, उल्टी आदि लक्षण समान ही होते हैं। साथ ही पेट के अनेक अंगों व दूसरे रोगों के भौतिक परीक्षण और पूर्व इतिहास भी मिलते-जुलते होते हैं इसलिए अपेंडिक्स को सुनिश्चित करने की समस्या प्रायः बनी ही रहती है। ★ Appendix ka operation -पूरी तरह परीक्षण किए बगैर मामूली से या अन्य किसी कारण से होने वाले पेटदर्द के निदान…

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How to Exercise

Bending upto a certain point is easy, beyond this point you feel tension in your muscles and if you still go further you will feel pain. Do you exercises upto the point of tension. If you keep on doing exercises the mobility of the joints goes on increasing. The point of pain becomes the point of tension in a few days and gradually you can still go beyond this point without pain. This principle has been used in exercising the patients with stiff joints passively. Movement and pain are indirectly…

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Selected Exercises that Can Be Done in Twenty Minutes

Selected exercises which could be done in twenty minutes with small rest periods are listed: Toe Touching Stand erect, feet together arm at side. Take a deep breathe. Raise head, breathe in deeply breathe out slowly as you go down. Touch the floor out side left foot, come up little and down again to touch floor between feet, and touch between feet once more. Come up and touch out side right foot. If you can not touch just move in that direction. Hold your breathe when you come up to…

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The 8-8-8 Rule – Living Healthy

Do you know about the 8-8-8 Rule? It is a really simple life concept and maybe you do not know that you follow this rule every living day. It is a really smart principle that has guided man for countless years without man even knowing that such a principle exists. The 8-8-8 rule is simply the rule of life and existence. It is a concept, which if followed, allows man to live in this world with good health, satisfying relationships, and a high level of well-being. Just what is this 8-8-8 rule? I…

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Keep calm and say no to hypertension Hypertension which is commonly termed as high blood pressure is a lifestyle disease that is affecting millions of people across the world. What was earlier perceived to be a health issue that affected only the elderly is now detected even in children as well as teenagers. According to experts, the main reason for the increase in the number of reported cases of hypertension is the wrong choice of diet and lack of physical activities. However, this is not to be taken lightly, given…

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