1. Two things to check as often as you can (1) Your blood pressure (2) Your blood sugar   2. Six things to reduce to the minimum on your foods: (1) Salt (2) sugar (3) preserved meat and foods (4) red meat especially roasted (5) dairy products (6) starchy products   3. Four things to increase in your foods’ (1) Greens/vegetables (2) beans (3) fruits (4) nuts   4. Three things you need to forget: (1) Your age (2) your past (3) your grievances   5. Four things you must…

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Attract Miracles in your Life

by Arogyadham Maa Yoga Ashram You are a magnet and magnet attracts… Actually, we all are magnets because what we want in our life we attract it. It’s our Perception in our subconscious mind works for us and it always comes in front of us. it’s the vibrational frequency in which we are..we attract the things, people and circumstances having the same frequencies. so the higher the frequency of your thoughts, your feelings, the higher miraculous outcome will be, so think whatever is of high vibrational frequency and you will…

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7 Natural Beauty Rules to Make You Look and Feel Younger

hy oh why? Is flawless skin, that’s radiant and glowing too much to ask for? Have you tried countless expensive makeup and cosmetic treatments available on the market, only to end up feeling frustrated? Wake up, every morning to see a tired and worn-out version of yourself in the mirror? Worry not! Here, we make beauty care easy for you, the all-natural way! With our best tips and tricks, you’ll not only look but also feel younger. Yep, that’s the beauty of a natural skin and face care regime. It…

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World Oral Health Day 2018: 5 Foods For Shiny White Teeth

World Oral Health Day: Oral hygiene is described as the practice of keeping one’s mouth clean and free of diseases and other health problems. It’s the Work Oral Health day today. World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20th  March. The day is aimed to promote awareness around healthy mouth and oral hygiene. This year the theme for World Oral Health day is , ‘Say Aah: Think Mouth, Think Health’.  Oral hygiene is described as the practice of keeping one’s mouth clean and free of diseases and other health problems.…

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Essence of Wellness

Nowadays, we associate wellness with our physical well-being, stamina, and ability. The fact is that, wellness is a broad term that accounts for our physical, mental and spiritual health. We are very able to see the benefits or detriments to our physical body, but many times are oblivious to or take for granted our mental and spiritual welfare. Our bodies though, work at every level to give us optimal health. Any disturbance at any layer of energy can disrupt our soundness. There are many dimensions to our wellness, and when…

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Being happy and healthy starts with small, everyday habits and trying some of makethese can make a huge difference to your life.   ? Life Circumstances Have Little To Do With Happiness. ? Much Happiness Is Under Your OWN Control. ? It’s The Product Of Your Habits And Your Outlook TOWARDS Life. ? You Either Create Happiness Or You Don’t. When it comes to making yourself happy, you need to learn what works for you.  And making yourself happy doesn’t just improve your performance; it is also good for your…

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Do you know?

*1. Any food you consume after 8 P.M. everyday is equally a poison to your body? *2. If you can follow the water therapy for 3 months religiously, your skin, your body and your organs begins to function well? *3. Do you know Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; If you must skip any meal, it shouldn’t be breakfast? *4. Do you know too much red meat is very dangerous to your health? *5. Do you know people who smile always live longer, look younger and are…

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25 Beautiful Tips of Life

Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God’s guidance for your purpose, today. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds. Try to make at least three people smile each day. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip,…

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