This Protein Could Be the Reason for Bone Loss in Elderly

Researchers from University of Alabama at Birmingham in the US found that a protein called Cbf-beta plays a critical role in maintaining the bone-producing cells As you age, the bone density starts thinning, which results in eventual bone loss and conditions like osteoporosis. Scientists have identified a mechanism that causes the body to stop creating bone-producing cells with age, using which one can now device preventive treatments and measure to stop the bone loss. Osteoporosis is a condition where the loss of bone density and bone thinning increase the risk…

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Raw food juicing is one the easiest, most effective, and most delicious ways to do good things for your body. Ideally, man would receive the nutrition he needs to maintain a healthy, vital body from a raw fruit and vegetable diet. He would have a piece or two of fruit for breakfast, a heaping greens-and-tofu salad (no dressing or simple fresh-squeezed lemon juice) for lunch, and a plateful of raw veggies for dinner followed by goat yogurt for dessert. He’d throw in some cooked beans every now and then for…

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Home Remedies for Dizziness

Dizziness is something that most of us experience at some point in our lives. It is a feeling of light-headedness, unsteadiness or loss of balance and can cause fainting. Dizziness with a feeling of spinning is referred to as vertigo, which is different from the nonspecific light-headedness. Dizziness is not a disease. It is a symptom of other conditions like low blood pressure, heart muscle disease, neurological disorders, anemia, allergies, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), tinnitus, ear infections, heat stroke, vision-related disorders, migraines, anxiety disorders, and head injuries. It can also be due…

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International Women’s Day 2017: Top 6 Nutrients That Are Essential for Good Health

By- Tanu Ganguly International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March each year and this year too there are tons of events and activities planned around it. Men and women across the world will raise a toast to the continuing social, cultural and economic achievements of women. What started as a multitude of smaller events and marches in the early 1900s is today a global celebration of the modern woman. 8th March is also celebrated as the United Nations (UN) Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. How are women’s bodies…

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10 Natural Cure For Brain Tumors

BrainTumor is an intracranial tumor resulting from abnormal cell division. Brain tumor may develop in the brain itself, within the cranial nerves or in brain envelops. This is referred to as primary brain tumor that is normally found in brain meninges, glands and nerves. Brain tumor may lead to edema, loss of sensation, blurred vision, and difficulty in speech. In most cases Surgery is the only option to cure brain tumor. Recent studies have revealed that certain kinds of natural treatments are effective in treating brain tumor. Brain tumors are…

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5 Vitamins your body needs in Winter

With the weather undergoing a change every day, the temperature varies, sometimes pleasant and sometimes warm. Along with enjoying the cold climate, winter also brings along a few health conditions that need to be tackled. A regular intake of these five essential elements will help you have a healthy winter. 1. VITAMIN C The onset of winter, marks infections like cold, cough, fever and flu. Vitamin C is known to increase your immunity because it is anti-oxidant in nature. It also helps to build the skin with its collagen boosting…

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7 Home Remedies to Help Boost Brain Power

In this fast paced world everyone’s looking be smarter and quicker than the next person.But what makes you that much better? The way your brain works. And just like all other organ in your body, the brain also starts losing its functioning as you age. So, wondering what you can do to give your brain that much needed boost? Well here are a few natural ways that might help. When it comes to improving the way your brain functions, there are a number of alternative therapies that can help. For instance deep…

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Choose fruit, seasonal veggies to keep away sniffles

Several doctors will assure you that winter is the best time of the year if you stick to seasonal fruits and vegetables. “Take your pick from apples, bananas, oranges, pears, red grapes, kiwis, potatoes, peas or carrots and them to your diet. These food groups are packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre and rich in antioxidants, which prevent a number of ailments,” said Dr Fatima Chattriwala, consulting dietician, Sterling Wockhardt Hospital, Vashi. She said it is important to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables as they are fresh, which means they retain…

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