आकड़ा का पौधा (Calatropis Plant)

परिचय : आकड़ा का पौधा 120 सेमी से 150 सेमी लम्बा होता है। यह जंगल में बहुत मिलता है। कैलोट्रोपिस जाइगैण्टिया नाम से यह होम्योपैथी औषधि के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है। आकड़े के हानिकारक प्रभाव को नष्ट करना : आकड़े के पत्ते, फूल या अन्य कोई भाग अधिक सेवन करने से दुष्परिणाम उत्पन्न हो गये हों तो ढाक (पलाश) के पत्तों को उबालकर उसका पानी पीने से आकड़े की विषाक्तता दूर हो जाती है। आकड़े का दूध लगाने से घाव हो जाये तो भी इसी पानी से घावों…

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Treat Body pain with Acupressure

Feeling a lot of body pains lately? Try these easy and effective acupressure points to cure body pain and aches.     Source: youtube.com/kamicomph Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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Depression is a mood disorder that drains you off hope, motivation and energy and keeps you in a consistent feeling of sadness. Clinically, there may be a wide range of causes for depression ranging from disturbed sleep, hormones, inheritance, brain chemistry or biological differences. ? Depression is much more common than we think and most of us will have some form of depressive illness  at least once in our lifetime. Here Are Some Myths About Depression That Are Totally Baseless: Ⓜ MYTH : DEPRESSION IS NOT AN ILLNESS, BUT A STATE…

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5 ways you can use ajwain to get rid of stomach ache

Ajwain is a common home remedy to treat stomach ache and acidity. Ajwain contains thymol, a compound that stimulates your stomach to release gastric juices that not only maintain the pH level of the stomach but also boosts digestion. But did you know there are different ways you can use ajwain to treat most of your common stomach problems? 1.       Chew ajwain seeds—It is one of the easiest things to do when you have a stomach ache from the accumulated gases or have acidity. Just chew a spoonful of ajwain seeds…

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