People assume that Surya Namaskar is just another form of exercise to strengthen muscles. Yes, it certainly does that. But, it does so much MORE to your body, mind, and soul. Celebrities like Kareena Kapoor, Jenifer Aniston, and several others swear by the miraculous benefits of Surya Namaskar. Here, in this post, you can find all about the numerous benefits of adding this reinvigorating asana to your morning routine. What is the Surya Namaskar? Also, known as “Sun Salutation,” it’s an ancient practice of expressing respect and gratitude to the…
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Chair Suryanamaskara
Sun Salutation ~ Surya Namaskar. Participants learn the Sun Salutation ~Surya Namaskar ~ a series of 12 asanas that flow together as one continuous exercise. Each position counters the one before stretching the body a different way and alternately expanding and contracting the chest to regulate the breathing. Encourage your parents and senior citizens to practice this Chair Suryanamaskara 12 times daily. This is belived to improve their overall health, reduce joint stiffness, improve lung capacity, and reduce age-related issues such as acidity, gas etc. Source: WhatsApp Disclaimer: All information,…
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