Limiting exposure to blue-light emitting devices such as phones and laptops in the evening for just a week can help teenagers improve their sleep quality and reduce symptoms of fatigue, lack of concentration and bad mood, a study has found. Recent studies have indicated that exposure to too much evening light, particularly the blue light emitted from screens on smartphones, tablets and computers can affect the brain’s clock and the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, resulting in disrupted sleep time and quality. The lack of sleep does not just cause immediate symptoms of tiredness and poor concentration but can also increase…
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मूली खाने से होने वाले फायदे
रोजाना सुबह खाने में मूली का सेवन करने से डायबिटीज से जल्द छुटकारा मिल सकता हैं. मूली खाने से जुखाम रोग भी नही होता हैं, इसीलिए मुली को स्लाद के रूप में जरूर खाना चाहिए. हर-रोज मूली के ऊपर काला नमक डालकर खाने से भूख न लगने की समस्या दूर हो जाती हैं. मूली खाने से हमे विटामिन ए मिलता हैं, जिससे हमारे दांतो को मजबूती मिलती हैं. मूली खाने से बाल झड़ने की समस्या दूर हो जाती हैं. बवासीर रोग में कच्ची मूली या मूली के पत्तो की सब्जी…
Read MoreThe Dying Tree of Life
by Brahma Kumaris The Tree of Life, also known as ‘Kalpa Tree’, is dying. Its leaves have almost dried and are infected by diseases. They have lost colour and changed shape. The Tree is bearing fruits of misfortune and has grown thorns of grief. Is it the same Tree of Life that once had lush green leaves, colourful flowers and was laden with sweet and juicy fruits of joy and fortune for all? Let’s take a closer look. The tree has become completely hollow from inside… the same way as wood…
Read MoreHere’s Why ‘Healthy Eating’ May be Destroying Your Vision
The obsession of losing weight and switching to healthy eating without knowing what it actually is, has become a common problem. Some health experts suggest that an obsession with healthy eating may paradoxically be endangering lives. According to the Paris nutritionist Sophie Ortega, a pure unbending vegan diet can lead to B12 deficiency. B12 is not made by the body and most people get the required nutrient from animal products like eggs, dairy products, meat or fish. If untreated, a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to vision loss, weakness, tiredness…
Read More7 symptoms that indicate your body lacks calcium & Must eat calcium rich vegetables
Calcium deficiency is slowly becoming a pandemic due to poor nutritional choices. Find out whether you too are suffering from it. By: Shraddha Rupavate Do you think drinking a glass of milk is enough to get your daily dose of calcium? But in reality, it is not. Although calcium plays a key role in the maintenance of strong and healthy bones, it also helps in blood clotting, early developmental growth and muscle contraction and relaxation. This mineral can be easily obtained from natural food sources like leafy vegetables, yogurt, nuts and…
Read More7 solid reasons you’ve not lost weight
Tried hard to lose weight but failed? Here are 7 reasons that could be getting in the way. Do you keep piling on the kilos, no matter how many diets you try? The problem may have more to do with your general health than with your food. Here are simple solutions that can help you beat the bulge Need more sleep: If you don’t sleep well, then the body’s hormone axis don’t work properly. They affect metabolism and eventually lead to weight gain. Doctors say if you aren’t sleeping, your body…
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