Simple technique to revive person unconscious due to low blood pressure Source : WhatsApp Disclaimer: Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician
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PLEASE READ CAREFULLY … Can make difference between Life and death I emergencies::: Forward from a medical student YES ,you read it right. It’s a very common practice of ours to provide water to a person who has met with an accident or who is unconscious or on verge of getting unconscious. There is a BIG medical reason for thosy I, being an MBBS student, learnt this thing in my Forensic Medicine class. Forensics is a subject taught to us in MBBS 2nd Prof. Once, in a forensic practical, when…
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दोस्तो सबसे पहले साँपो के बारे मे एक महत्वपूर्ण बात आप ये जान लीजिये ! कि अपने देश भारत मे 550 किस्म के साँप है ! जैसे एक cobra है ,viper है ,karit है ! ऐसी 550 किस्म की साँपो की जातियाँ हैं ! इनमे से मुश्किल से 10 साँप है जो जहरीले है सिर्फ 10 ! बाकी सब non poisonous है! इसका मतलब ये हुआ 540 साँप ऐसे है जिनके काटने से आपको कुछ नहीं होगा !! बिलकुल चिंता मत करिए ! लेकिन साँप के काटने का डर इतना…
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