World Aids Day 2019: दुनियाभर में हर साल 1 दिसंबर को वर्ल्ड एड्स डे (World AIDS Day) मनाया जाता है। विश्व एड्स दिवस 2019 को मनाने का उद्देश्य एचआईवी संक्रमण के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक करना है। बात दें, सबसे पहले इस दिन को वैश्विक स्तर पर मनाने की शुरूआत WHO में एड्स जागरुकता अभियान से जुड़े जेम्स डब्ल्यू बुन और थॉमस नेटर नाम के दो व्यक्तियों ने अगस्त 1987 में की थी। UNICEF की रिपोर्ट की मानें तो 36.9 मिलियन लोग HIV के शिकार हो चुके हैं। जबकि भारत सरकार…
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World Malaria Day: How To Spot The First Symptom Of Malaria? All About Malaria And Preventive Tips
World Malaria Day: Malaria is most commonly spread by a mosquito bite. Read here to know how to spot the first symptom of malaria and what you can do to prevent this disease. April 25 is observed as World Malaria Day. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to humans through mosquito bite. People who have malaria usually have high fever, experience shaking chills and feel very sick. On the occasion of World Malaria Day, we take a look at common causes, signs and symptoms of malaria and…
Read MoreBenefits of Drumstick (सहजन)
सहजन (Drumstick) एक फल ही नहीं मानव के लिए कुदरत का चमत्कार है जो 100 से ज्यादा रोगों में… दुनीया का सबसे ताकतवर पोषण पुरक आहार है सहजन 300 से अधि्क रोगो मे बहोत फायदेमंद इसकी जड़ से लेकर फुल, पत्ती, फल्ली, तना, गोन्द हर चीज़ उपयोगी होती है आयुर्वेद में सहजन से तीन सौ रोगों का उपचार संभव है सहजन के पौष्टिक गुणों की तुलना 1-विटामिन सी- संतरे से सात गुना 2-विटामिन ए- गाजर से चार गुना 3-कैलशियम- दूध से चार गुना 4-पोटेशियम- केले से तीन गुना 5-प्रोटीन- दही की तुलना में तीन गुना स्वास्थ्य के…
Read MoreManifesting Good Health
by Arogyadham Maa Yoga Ashram What is a good health? The person who is able to dance like a child, who is able to jump like a child, who has no burden in his mind, a person who stands instantly as a child and sits instantly like a frog. How active is he? He is definitely a healthy person from which the energy is bursting every day. When we come to the point of health, everyone is definitely concerned with the healing of body organs, mental and physical affairs. “Natural…
Read More5 things that happen to your body if you don’t drink enough water
It’s crucial you take in enough water on a daily basis. But what happens when you don’t? Check out five possible symptoms and complications, from mild to severe. You probably know that water is très important for all healthy life function. In fact, about 60% of your body is made up of water. For it to continue to function properly, it’s crucial that you consume enough water on a daily basis. “Hydration is key to helping all the organs in our system work efficiently,” says Dr Sanjay Aggarwal, a general physician…
Read Moreलौंग के हैं फायदे अनेक
फेफड़ों (Liver) की सूजन : लौंग का चूर्ण बनाकर 1 ग्राम की मात्रा में लेकर शहद व घी को मिलाकर सुबह-शाम सेवन करने से खांसी और श्वांस सम्बंधी पीड़ा दूर हो जाती है। अंजनहारी (Eye Stye), गुहेरी : लौंग को पानी के साथ घिसकर गुहेरी पर लगाने से गुहेरी समाप्त हो जाती है। बस शुरूआत में थोड़ी जलन महसूस होती है। दांत मजबूत करना : दांतों में कमजोरी के कारण दांत हिलने तथा टूटने लगते हैं। इस तरह की परेशानी में कालीमिर्च 50 ग्राम और लौंग 10 ग्राम को पीसकर…
Magic of Herbs at your fingertips Vegetables and fruits are an integral part of the Indian diet. However, one often tends to overlook the importance of herbs in our meals. Apart from enhancing the flavor of your food, herbs are power packed with healing properties. Ayurveda and Naturopathy believe in the health benefits of the herbs and support that including these in your daily diet can work wonders for your overall well being. You may be already using most of them in your cooking. But the knowledge about their healing…
Stay Happy, Healthy and Ulcer-free! Ulcers are quite common in the modern civilization. The cause for these is mainly contributed to stress, the fast food culture as well as the unhealthy lifestyle. According to studies, 1 in 10 people suffer from ulcer pain at least once in their life time. Prevention and better stress management surely seems better than cure in these cases as ulcers can surely be quite painful. Understanding Ulcers Ulcers are usually caused when holes or breaks appear in the protective lining of the small intestine. Known…
Read MoreNational Dengue Day Tomorrow: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention & Home Remedies
Dengue prevention and control is everyone’s responsibility; together we can make a difference. National Dengue Day was first observed on 16th of May, 2016 by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India. The aim of this day is to control the Dengue through create awareness, initiate preventive actions and continue till transmission season is over. Dengue is a common viral disease spread by mosquito bite. It is transmitted by a mosquito called Aedes Aegypti. It occurs in two forms. The first form is, Classical Dengue fever also known…
Read MoreNaturopathy Offers Relief to Cancer Patients, Find Out How!
For years, doctors have struggled to find the perfect solution to treat and possibly cure cancer. Alas, they have not succeeded! However, recently doctors have decided to use integrated medicine with cancer treatment and that has proved to be quite effective. In a majority of cases, patients suffering from cancer have to undergo radiation or chemotherapy and that causes a number of side-effects, such as: Diarrhea or mouth sores Fatigue Joint pain Tingling and numbness in the hands or feet Radiation induced dermatitis Nausea and vomiting Insomnia Immune system modulation…
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