9 Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds

By: Shilpa Arora India’s love affair with fennel needs no introduction. The seed spice dominates a variety of our preparations. Did you know that India happens to be the largest exporter of fennel seeds, widely known as saunf. A common practice in most Indian households is to have few fennel seeds or saunf at the end of every meal. This practice you might think is to freshen the mouth, but think again. A concentrated source of minerals like Copper, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamin C, Iron, Selenium and Magnesium, the age…

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World Health Day tomorrow: 5 Foods To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

There are certain nutrients which are required for good vision. Some of them may include Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Beta-carotene, vitamin A, zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acid, etc. If your diet lacks all these nutrients, perhaps it is time to revamp your diet. 7th April is celebrated as the World Health Day. This year the theme for World Health Day is ‘Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere’. With the increased use of smart phones, screen time and poor nutrition, we are somewhere taking our health for granted. Our eye health…

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Nail Abnormalities

What are nail abnormalities? Healthy nails appear smooth and have consistent coloring. As you age, you may develop vertical ridges, or your nails may be a bit more brittle. This is harmless. Spots due to injury should grow out with the nail. Abnormalities — such as spots, discoloration, and nail separation — can result from injuries to the fingers and hands, viral warts (periungual warts), infections (onychomycosis), and some medications, such as those used for chemotherapy. Certain medical conditions can also change the appearance of your fingernails. However, these changes…

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Super Healthy – Pumpkin Seeds

By: Priyam Saini Did you know that you can eat seeds? Yes, it’s true you can as they are rich in nutrients. These small but mighty kernels are high in vitamins and minerals the body needs to function at peak performance. Seeds are extremely versatile and can be incorporated easily into a variety of different recipes. There are various kinds of seeds that you can eat and Pumpkin seeds are one amongst them that you can eat. Pumpkin seeds are green in colour and may have a white outer covering. They…

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Navratra, the 9 day long celebration of Goddess Durga’s different incarnations, is among the most sacred festivities practiced in our country. With a vision to empower oneself with better willpower, people fast and pray to the deity for prosperity. During these days, people do not consume grains, pulses and determine to stay light on spices. However, many of us might not be aware that the foods that are consumed during these days are packed with nutrients. Here Are Some Of The Commonly Consumed Foods And Their Health Benefits ✅ SABUTDANA (TAPIOCA)…

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अलसी(Flaxseed) – एक  चमत्कारी औषधी

विविध नाम :- अलसी (Alsi), फ्लेक्स सीड्स (Flaxseed), लिन सिड्स वगैरा उसके नाम हैं।   ? दोस्तो अलसी से सभी परिचित होंगे लेकिन उसके चमत्कारी फायदे से बहुत ही कम लोग जानते हैं।   ☘ अलसी शरीर को स्वस्थ रखती है व आयु बढ़ाती है। अलसी में 23 प्रतिशत ओमेगा-3 फेटी एसिड, 20 प्रतिशत प्रोटीन, 27 प्रतिशत फाइबर, लिगनेन, विटामिन बी ग्रुप, सेलेनियम, पोटेशियम, मेगनीशियम, जिंक आदि होते हैं।   ?  अलसी में रेशे भरपूर 27% पर शर्करा 1.8% यानी नगण्य होती है। इसलिए यह शून्य-शर्करा आहार कहलाती है और…

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Expert says consumption of maize good for disease management

Monday, 5 September 2016 DiabetesExpert says consumption of maize good for disease management An expert has revealed that consumption of maize was good for the management of diabetes and obesity in both children and adult A Nutritional Biochemist, Dr Ochuko Erukainure, said on Sunday that consumption of maize was good for the management of diabetes and obesity in both children and adult. Erukainure, a Senior Research Officer at the Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FIIRO), Oshodi, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that maize was one of…

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Why Sprout?

Increases Nutrient Absorption – B12, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc Makes Foods easier to Digest Decreases AntiNutirents & Phytic Acid Increases Protein availability Increases Fiber content Breaks down Gluten for easier Digestibility Helps reduce other Allergens found in Grains May increase Enzymes & Anti-Oxidants Source: Dr.Axe

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सॉफ्टड्रिंक्स में समाई हुई डायबटीज

अमेरिकन हार्ट एसोसिएशन के अनुसार पूरी दुनिया में हर वर्ष एक लाख अस्सी हजार मौतें सॉफ्टड्रिंक्स की वजह से होती हैं, जो कि केंसर और एड्स से होने वाली कुल मौतों से भी ज्यादा है. . आज विश्व के नवजवानों में डायबटीज की बीमारी बहुत तेजी से फ़ैल रही है. हर साल कम से कम एक करोड़ लोग इसके शिकार हो रहे हैं. पहले यह बीमारी इस तरह नहीं फैलती थी और इस रोग को पीढ़ीगत रोग माना जाता था. आखिर क्या कारण है कि आज डायबटीज एक महामारी से…

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