Fasting is different from starvation. It is a highly constructive and beneficial technique that results in the elimination of toxic waste from the body, thereby restoring good health. It is the best form of medication in Naturopathy and works every time without fail.
Fasting therapy, as advocated by Naturopathy, is an all-natural road to excellent health and overall wellness. Fasting gives digestive organs ample time to restore health and regain the efficiency that has been disturbed with modern-day eating habits. Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy food choices can be blamed for landing us in clinics more often than we would like.
While medicines can provide temporary relief, natural fasting therapy is a proven method to detox naturally while improving immunity and physical, psychological and sensory wellness for the long run.
Generally we all eat much more than what is required by our bodies, thereby burdening our internal systems with a lot of additional effort around processing that food. The body is left with minimal energy to spare to attend to its regenerative and recuperative function. Factors like polluted environment, stress, adulterated food, lack of exercise etc further increase the toxin accumulation. This leads to a deterioration of our bodily functions over time. Fasting provides a much needed rest to the digestive and physiological functions of the human body. The energy saved is used by the body to cleanse and regenerate the body and mind.
During an illness, the body uses up all its energy reserves to fight against the disease. We automatically feel a loss of appetite as the system does not want to waste its energy in digesting and processing the food. We do not need any particular nourishment that time. The appetite becomes dormant. If we eat during this time our recovery is delayed.This is similar to what happens when we fast. The body instead burns the toxic elements present and uses up the existing body reserves to derive the energy required for its day-to-day functioning. The eliminative capability of the human body also gets accelerated during a fast, thereby resulting in a faster removal of disease-causing toxins from the system.
Fasting has various health benefits that include improved cardiovascular health, better insulin sensitivity, decreased blood sugar, cell reformation and recycling, detoxification etc. fasting stimulates protective mechanisms of your body and encourages you to lead a healthier, fuller, happier life. It also helps you to better assess hunger levels and portion sizes that play a vital role in determining your health in the later stages of life. Fasting, in a way, enables you to listen to the needs of your body and make healthy choices to ensure longevity and good health.
Contrary to common belief fasting does not lead to any loss in energy and vitality of the patient. Instead the physical strength, energy levels and mental alertness of the patients are significantly increased during the process. Rest is advised during fasting. However, this is not because the patients feel weak, but rather because the physician wants to conserve all his body energy to fight the disease and not waste it on unnecessary body functions. Keeping regular one day fasts in a week can keep us fit and healthy if we don’t stuff ourselves with food like we do these days. However, extended fasting for the purposes of treating diseases should always be done under the supervision of a trained Naturopathic physician.
The one suitable for your body from the numerous types of fasting in Naturopathy can be determined after due consideration to a lot of deciding factors like age, lifestyle, nature of illness etc. Fasting for seasonal allergies provides great relief in combating illnesses that arrive with changes in weather in addition to fighting digestive disorders like gas formation and indigestion.
Besides these, fasting also –
- Increases insulin sensitivity and improves glucose tolerance.
- Removes poisons and toxic matter from blood-stream thus purifying the system.
- Rests vital organs giving them time to restore functionality and regain lost health.
- Improves overall immunity and brings inner peace and calm.
- Boosts metabolism, reduces fat layers and aids in weight loss.
Like all good things, fasting too is surrounded by many misconceptions. Let’s find few of them
- Weight loss is not the sole aim or outcome of fasting. Fasting therapy mainly aims at eliminating toxins from the body and improving the functioning of various body organs.
- Therapeutic fasting and detoxification, when done under the guidance of a naturopathic physician ensure you stay active even during the period of fasting and do not suffer from weakness.
- Fasting does not equal starvation. Fasting therapy for cleansing and detoxification is carried out under the guidance and observation of physicians insightful of how to do fasting in naturopathy.
Disclaimer:All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor.
The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.