अगर इन 6 चीजों को रातभर भिगोकर खाएंगे, तो बीमारियों से रहेंगे कोसों दूर

मुनक्का (Dry Grapes) – इसमें मैग्नीशियम, पोटेशियम और आयरन काफी मात्रा में होते हैं। मुनक्के का नियमित सेवन कैंसर कोशिकाओं में बढ़ोतरी को रोकता है। इससे हमारी स्किन भी हेल्दी और चमकदार रहती है। एनीमिया और किडनी स्टोन के मरीजों के लिए भी मुनक्का फायदेमंद है। काले चने (Black Gram) – इनमें फाइबर्स और प्रोटीन की पर्याप्त मात्रा होती हैं जो कब्ज दूर करने में सहायक होते है। बादाम (Almond) – इसमें मैग्नीशियम होता है जो हाई बीपी के रोगियों के लिए फायदेमंद होता है। कई अध्ययनों में पाया गया…

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दुनिया की सबसे ताकतवर सब्जी, कुछ दिन खाने से ही शरीर में दिखेगा जबरदस्त चमत्कार

आजकल के दौर में जंक फूड का इतना क्रेज बढ़ चुका है कि लोग अपने शरीर को जरूरी ताकत देनी वाली सब्जी, दाल का सेवन कम ही करते हैं. लेकिन, बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं कि कुछ सबज्यिां ऐसी होती हैं, जिन्हें कुछ दिन खाने पर ही इसका फायदा मिल जाता है. ऐसी ही एक सब्जी है कंटोला (Teasle gourd or Spiny Gourd). यह दुनिया की सबसे ताकतवर सब्जी है. इसे औषधि के रूप में भी इस्तेमाल किया जाता है. इस सब्जी में इतनी ताकत होती है कि महज कुछ…

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खसखस के 10 करिश्माई फायदे, जरूर जानिए

खसखस (Poppy Seed) का इस्तेमाल सब्जी की ग्रेवी और सर्दी के दिनों में स्वादिष्ट हलवा बनाने के लिए किया जाता है। यह स्वाद और सेहत से भरपूर है, इसलिए स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का उपचार करने के लिए भी इसे दवा के रूप में प्रयोग करते हैं। जानिए, खसखस के 10 बेहतरीन गुण – 1  खसखस को दर्द निवारक के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है। इसमें पाया जाने वाला ओपियम एल्कलॉइड्स सभी प्रकार के दर्द को दूर करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। खास तौर से इसका प्रयोग मांसपेशियों के दर्द…

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Type 2 diabetes: Here is how the otherwise healthy apples affect your blood sugar levels

Apples have a lot of health benefits like improving digestion, helping in weight loss, keeping the heart healthy, and may also help in warding off breast cancer. Apples also help improve neurological health. Since childhood, everyone has dreaded going to the doctor because there may be blood, bitter medicines, or an injection coming our way when we do. Probably cashing in on that fear, they created the saying that an apple a day would keep the doctor away. However, apples did prove their mettle when they actually helped to keep…

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Type 2 diabetes diet: Include low-calorie carrots in your diabetes meal plan to lower blood sugar naturally

Turns out there’s a specific type of food or juice that can help improve blood sugar control and manage diabetes. Here’s how to include carrots in your type 2 diabetes diet plan. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that can lead to serious complications if not properly controlled. In addition to medication, making dietary changes such as following a healthy eating plan that is naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories, as well as maintaining a healthy weight by staying physically active, can help you control…

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Pumpkin Juice For Weight Loss: 5 Health Benefits Of The Veggie Juice That Make It Great For Weight Loss

Pumpkin juice is practically fat-free and low in calories. Here are 5 ways that it can help you in losing weight fast! Well there’s at least a section of people, for whom, pumpkin is always on the mind- health freaks. Pumpkin or kaddu is one vegetable that has always been considered nutritious and delicious. Indians love their pumpkin ki sabzi, which is a spicy, mushy vegetarian dish, eaten with chapatis and pooris. If you’re one of those who don’t like eating pumpkin, then you may be missing out on a…

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Look for Vitamins Pills in Nature

Nature abounds in Nutrition. So, why pop the pill? City folks hardly have enough time to sit down and have a decent meal. So, to gain the required nutrition, they resort to popping vitamin and mineral supplement. No matter how many vitamin pills you pop in a day, these can never make up for the nutrients that you can gain by tapping the fruits (and vegetables) offered by nature. So, instead of finding the essential vitamins artificially, look for the natural vitamins and include these in your daily diet. Trust…

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What Are The Causes, Diet Tips And Home Remedies For Keratoconus?

By: Alyssa Moylan If you have keratoconus, you should know the best and natural ways to cure it. Keratoconus is a rare eye condition that causes your eye’s cornea to bulge or deteriorate. There are many natural ways available to get rid of this condition. It is always helpful to treat every problem in its earlier stages because it will create further complications if the condition is left untreated. In this article, you will get to know the symptoms of keratoconus, and how kind of exercise and natural remedies you…

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7 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

By – Cynthia Sass In case you were wondering, a tomato is a technically a fruit, because it’s seed-bearing and develops from the ovary of a flowering plant. (Botanically speaking, vegetables consist of other plant parts, like roots, leaves, and stems.) But when it comes to nutrition, tomatoes —along with seedy cucumbers and zucchini—are categorized as vegetables. That’s due in part to their lower carb and sugar contents: A medium tomato provides just 22 calories, and about 5 grams of total carb, with 3 as sugar and 1.5 as fiber. But this low-calorie, low-carb package is…

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Apple Cider Vinegar Can Kill Sinus Infection Within Minutes ! Here is How

Sinus infection is an inflammation of the tissue and membrane and is characterized by headaches, fevers, thick mucus that causes a blockage, and pain in the face area. Yet, there are effective natural treatments for sinusitis, which cleanse the sinuses and destroy the microbes that caused the issue. A chronic sinusitis lasts for around three months, but it is left untreated, it can last longer. In most cases, the sinus infection is caused by bacteria and viruses in the air space between the cheeks, between the eyes, and the forehead.…

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