Acupuncture vs. Acupressure: What’s The Difference?

Acupuncture and Acupressure are forms of Traditional Chinese medicine that focus on Qi, which is considered the body’s life force energy. Studies link the two treatments with a plethora of health benefits involving everything from your digestive system to mood disorders. While the methods share similarities, they also differ in significant ways. Here’s everything you need to know about acupuncture and acupressure—and whether either may be a good fit for you. What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into different points in the body by licensed,…

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अगर इन 6 चीजों को रातभर भिगोकर खाएंगे, तो बीमारियों से रहेंगे कोसों दूर

मुनक्का (Dry Grapes) – इसमें मैग्नीशियम, पोटेशियम और आयरन काफी मात्रा में होते हैं। मुनक्के का नियमित सेवन कैंसर कोशिकाओं में बढ़ोतरी को रोकता है। इससे हमारी स्किन भी हेल्दी और चमकदार रहती है। एनीमिया और किडनी स्टोन के मरीजों के लिए भी मुनक्का फायदेमंद है। काले चने (Black Gram) – इनमें फाइबर्स और प्रोटीन की पर्याप्त मात्रा होती हैं जो कब्ज दूर करने में सहायक होते है। बादाम (Almond) – इसमें मैग्नीशियम होता है जो हाई बीपी के रोगियों के लिए फायदेमंद होता है। कई अध्ययनों में पाया गया…

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You and the Sun staying healthy with the sun energy

by Dr Partap Chauhan Have you ever taken a moment to realize the beautiful relationship between the Sun and our Earth? Just a little bit closer to Sun, and the Earth would have been completely inhospitable like the Venus where temperatures rise to 460 degree Celsius, a little further away and it would have been frozen and lifeless like Mars! At the third position from the Sun, all conditions were perfect for life to form on Earth. The Sun is truly life-giving energy, and you, I and every other living…

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जीरे (Cumin) के अत्यंत गुणकारी लाभ, जानिए सेहत के लिए कैसे है गुणकारी

त्वचा (Skin) पर निखार हमारे शरीर में विभिन्न कारणों से गंदगी आ जाती है जिसे शरीर पसीने और फुंसियों के रूप में बाहर निकालता है। जीरे का नियमित इस्तेमाल शरीर की शोधन करने की प्रक्रिया को तेज करता है और गंदगी मुंहासों और फुंसियों के तौर पर बाहर नहीं आती। आपकी त्वचा साफ और सुंदर बनी रहती है। जीरे में विटामिन E भरपूर मात्रा में होता है जिससे यह त्वचा को स्वस्थ रखने में बहुत कारगर होता है। इसमें प्राकृतिक तेल होने के साथ साथ एंटी फंगल गुण होते हैं जिनसे…

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Summer Skin Care Tips: Follow These 10 Tips For A Radiant Skin

It’s that time of the year when chai becomes a little less favoured and nimbu-soda is available almost everywhere. Very soon, anything synthetic will be a no-no and cotton will be your go-to fabric. Umbrellas come out to give your sunscreen company, suede shoes get packed away. Yes, summer time is here. And with it, a whole host of skin care issues too. Oily skin gets oilier, and dry skin gets patchy. There are breakouts and pimples, rashes and roughness, and that acne just wouldn’t go away! Just a few simple changes in your everyday skin…

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Powerful Hacks To Heal Most Common Summer Skin Problems

Some common skin care problems are pricking and burning sensations, tiny and itchy bumps, oily skin, itchy rashes which comes with discomfort and pain, uneven skin tone, folliculitis, acne breakout and heat burn. The hot summer season is here! While we do take care of the nutritional requirement to beat the heat during summers, there are times we forget a proper skin care routine. During the hot and sultry weather, we do face a lot of skin problems. These may include pricking and burning sensations, tiny and itchy bumps, oily skin, itchy…

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Want A Flat Stomach; Shiny, Thick Hair And Glowing Skin? Rujuta Diwekar Tells Us How

Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar says that eating according to traditions, a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise can help in improving hair and skin quality, and also help in achieving a flat stomach. Can eating according to ancient traditions lead to good hair, good skin and flat stomach? Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar says that they it definitely can, as part of one of her recent live videos on Facebook and Instagram. The time that you eating your meals in, the training that you are engaged in and your bed time…

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This Is What Your Eyes, Skin And Hair Tell About Your Health

The first few symptoms of certain health issues like heart diseases, kidney problems, high blood pressure and osteoporosis often appear in different ways on eyes, skin and hair. Do you know? Your eyes, skin and hair can indicate a lot about your health! Blisters or acne on skin, hair fall, grey scale, red eyes, etc. are all symptoms which may be indicative of an underlying health condition. The first few symptoms of certain health issues like heart diseases, kidney problems, high blood pressure and osteoporosis often appear in different ways on eyes,…

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World Malaria Day: How To Spot The First Symptom Of Malaria? All About Malaria And Preventive Tips

World Malaria Day: Malaria is most commonly spread by a mosquito bite. Read here to know how to spot the first symptom of malaria and what you can do to prevent this disease. April 25 is observed as World Malaria Day. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to humans through mosquito bite. People who have malaria usually have high fever, experience shaking chills and feel very sick. On the occasion of World Malaria Day, we take a look at common causes, signs and symptoms of malaria and…

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Gluten Intolerant? Replace Wheat With This Protein-Rich Grain That Can Even Help You Lose Weight

Changes in the way wheat is processed has led to increased incidence of gluten intolerance. Replace wheat with this grain which is rich in protein and can aid weight loss. Gluten intolerance has become quite common nowadays. It is characterised by adverse reactions to consuming gluten, which is a protein found rye, wheat and barley. Gluten intolerance is mostly likely to cause celiac disease, a condition which may damage digestive system. Non-celiac gluten intolerance is the one which results in comparatively less severe symptoms. Gluten intolerance can cause bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, headaches,…

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