Cancer And Some Of The Major Causes It – Urbanatural
Cancer is one of the diseases which still scares people and to some extent is still a mystery to all. Although medical science has made significant improvement over the years, still Cancer is a disease which frightens and worries people even till date. When the cells experience uncontrolled and abnormal growth in any body part, it can lead to Cancer. But not to worry, as many Cancer treating medicines have come up in the market and these can ordered easily through online medical portals as well.
Over the years various researches have been conducted to know the reasons behind Cancer. The researchers have come up with some of the reasons which are most common for causing Cancer. To our surprise these are very common causes and can be avoided with a little consciousness.
Some of the reasons which cause Cancer
Cancer can be caused due to some of the common reasons which are listed below:
Smoking can cause Cancer
People who have a habit of smoking regularly, are more prone to Cancer. Tobacco which is the major ingredient of cigarettes is considered as the most important reason for causing Cancer. Even a person who does not have a habit of smoking can also suffer from Cancer if he is regularly exposed to the smoke caused due to tobacco. So we can conclude that, a passive smoker can also be a victim of this disease. Intake of tobacco in any form be it cigarette, ghutkha, pan masala, etc. can lead a person to this fatal disease. Tobacco consumption can cause Cancer in lungs, head, stomach, neck and many other body parts. Chewing of beetle nut is also harmful and can cause Cancer in mouth. Over consumption of alcohol can also cause Cancer in liver.
Improper food habit
A balanced diet can help a person to be healthy and a healthy person is less prone to any diseases. If a person’s diet is low in fibrous food, that is, there is a deficiency of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the diet, then it may cause Cancer. Often it is seen that even after the intake of balanced diet, a person gets affected by Cancer. This may be because the pesticides used for the foods are the reasons behind the disease. So it is always suggested to wash the fruits and vegetables properly before cooking or eating.
Cancer can be caused due to genetic reasons
Previously, it was not detected that Cancer can be caused due to genetic reasons as well. However, modern medical science has proved that it can be one of the reasons behind the cause of the disease. It is often seen that a person who has a history of Cancer in his family, is more prone to suffer from the same compared to any other person.
Chemicals can also cause Cancer
People who are more exposed to chemicals, due to their work, can develop Cancer easily. Painters, people working in factories, mines, tanneries and even farmers who regularly come in contact with chemicals have high chances of suffering from Cancer.
To avoid Cancer a person must be extra careful as all the above mentioned reasons are very common in modern life. Regular health check-up should not be avoided at any cost. Infact a small infection can also lead to Cancer if not taken proper care at proper time. Medical science has come up with various Cancer medicines which can help in preventing the disease and these medicines are easily available in medicine shops as well as online medical portals.
❌एम्स ने कैंसर होने के कारण बतायें है:-
❌1.चाय कभी भी प्लास्टिक के कप में न लें।
❌2.कोई भी गरम चीज प्लास्टिक में न लें खासकर भोजन।
❌3. खाने कीf चीजों को माइक्रोवेव में प्लास्टिक के बर्तन में गर्म न करें।
❌याद रखें जब प्लास्टिक गर्मी के संपर्क में आता है तो ऐसा रसायन उत्पन करता है जो 32 प्रकार के कैंसर का कारण है।
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