How to Lose Weight Quickly Without Exercise?

By: Abha Toppo Obesity or fatness is one of the biggest health problems all around the world. People generally put on weight due to their unhealthy eating habits. They eat and drink more calories than they burn through daily movement and body functions. In this article we will tell you how to lose weight without exercise, medication and in a natural healthy way. A person can easily and quickly lose weight, the only thing he or she needs to do is maintain a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating and drinking. 7 ways…

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Dental Care: How to Treat Dental Pain?

Pain producing causes may be as simple as toothache nitiated by a deep carious tooth or a loose tooth. On the other hand pain may be complicated requiring further investigations. Pain is defined as an unpleasant stimulus which is perceived by the conscious mind. The perception of pain begins upon a process of electro-chemical conductivity from the painful area to the brain. Reaction to pain involves a complex mechanism which is based on age, sex, fatigue, emotional status and the past experiences. Toothache A toothache may be mild, moderate or…

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Eating more is same as eating unhealthy food A balanced diet is what you need to stay healthy and fit. But, does that mean you can gorge on a balanced diet? Nah! Even when you are eating healthy, if you do not watch your portions, you are sure to put on weight. So, the idea is to eat healthy without starving and yet watching how much you eat. Now, this can surely seem like a task. There is no doubt that you can take some time getting used to this.…

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Put an End to Awkward Situations with these Effective Gas Relieving Remedies It is no coincidence that both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, two of the oldest healing practices in the world, both agree that “The Key to your Overall Health lies in your Digestive System”. Both these forerunners of contemporary medicine unanimously agree that the link between a person’s digestive health and their overall well-being is profound. Addressing the Foul Smelling Elephant in the Room And, today’s article is all about an issue that is natural yet highly embarrassing.…

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You are on a great diet plan, trying your best to eat only the healthiest food available on earth, meticulously weighing your culinary moves and adequately spacing time between your meals, yet you are unable to fit into your favorite sizes. Maybe it’s time to have a keen look at the portions you are gulping each day without realizing that healthy foods too add to your calorie count.   Here Are Simple Ways How You Can Check Food Portions And Learn The Art Of Controlled Eating:-   ✅   MEASURE…

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Eating chocolates, chewing gums may harm your intestines: Study

A common food additive found in chewing gums, chocolates and breads may significantly reduce the ability of small intestine cells to absorb nutrients and block pathogens, a new study has warned. “Titanium oxide is a common food additive and people have been eating a lot of it for a long time, but we were interested in some of the subtle effects, and we think people should know about them,” said Gretchen Mahler, a professor at the Binghamton University in the US. “There has been previous work on how titanium oxide…

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Simple remedies to treat acidity

Acidity can strike at any time and any place. It is diagnosed by discomfort near the chest and cause significant distress. If you suffer from it often, here are some simple home remedies that will help. Basil or tulsi leaves as they are more popularly known as, are an excellent way to treat acidity. You can either chew on the leaves or boil them in water and then drink the mixture. Eating cloves will raise the level of hydrochloric acid in your stomach and give you instant relief from acidity.…

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Cancer And Some Of The Major Causes It

Cancer And Some Of The Major Causes It – Urbanatural Cancer is one of the diseases which still scares people and to some extent is still a mystery to all. Although medical science has made significant improvement over the years, still Cancer is a disease which frightens and worries people even till date. When the cells experience uncontrolled and abnormal growth in any body part, it can lead to Cancer. But not to worry, as many Cancer treating medicines have come up in the market and these can ordered easily…

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Home Remedies For Hiccups

What are Hiccups? Hiccups are a reflex action, which means that we do not have any control over them. Hiccups are a sudden, involuntary squeezing of the diaphragm, the main breathing muscle under the lungs, which results in sucking the air quickly into the lungs thereby snapping and shutting glottis above the voice-box (larynx). This snapping makes the sound of a hiccup. Hiccups will usually stop on their own. Continuous hiccups lasting for more than a day or two may indicate a cause of an underlying disease, which needs medical intervention.…

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5 Sure-shot Remedies for Flatulence (Fart)

If you thought you need some gas (read air) only to breath and be alive, you may be wrong enough! You also need to release gas (read fart) from your body to stay healthy! Yes, farting is what all do howsoever embarrassing it may be. All human beings have to pass wind (gas generated in the intestinal tract) through anus so that they are not a victim of some really nasty gases produced during digestion. So, whether you pass gas with a sound or fart silently, you do it and…

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