World Aids Day 2019: जानें क्या होता है एड्स, ये हैं लक्षण और बचाव के उपाय

World Aids Day 2019: दुनियाभर में हर साल 1 दिसंबर को वर्ल्ड एड्स डे (World AIDS Day) मनाया जाता है। विश्व एड्स दिवस 2019 को मनाने का उद्देश्य एचआईवी संक्रमण के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक करना है। बात दें, सबसे पहले इस दिन को वैश्विक स्तर पर मनाने की शुरूआत  WHO में एड्स  जागरुकता अभियान से जुड़े जेम्स डब्ल्यू बुन और थॉमस नेटर नाम के दो व्यक्तियों ने अगस्त 1987 में की थी। UNICEF की रिपोर्ट की मानें तो 36.9 मिलियन लोग HIV के शिकार हो चुके हैं। जबकि भारत सरकार…

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World AIDS Day 2018: 4 Reasons Which Stop People From HIV Testing

The theme of World AIDS Day 2018 is “Know Your Status”, which stresses on the importance of knowing one’s HIV status in order to fight against the disease. December 1 is observed as World AIDS Day. This day is meant to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, a disease which destroys the immune system and makes the body prone to various diseases and infections. The idea behind World AIDS Day 2018 is to show solidarity towards all the people who are living with AIDS and also remember those who died because of AIDS. The theme…

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World Thalassemia Day: Why We All Need to Pledge to Donate Blood

By: DR SUNIL BHAT Blood, the life line of our bodies, has three major cellular components: red cells, white cells and platelets. Red cells provide energy and transport oxygen in the body. In Thalassemia major, red cells synthesis is insufficient and the life span also is very short. The disease manifests early in childhood, mostly in the first year of life, and these patients require lifelong frequent blood transfusions (every few weeks) to keep them alive. Burden of the Problem 80% of the children with this disease are born in Asian…

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