Diabetes, Heart diseases and Hypertension are some of the common problems that arise out of Obesity, a problem that is primarily caused because of overeating. When you eat more than your body needs, you invite a lot of problems, some of which such as heart problems, can become life-threatening.
But if you eat your meals by maintaining proper gaps in between, you get many health benefits, here are three of them.
1.Strong Agni (better digestion)
The digestive fire in your gut is responsible for digesting foods. When you continuously burden it by snacking or eating heavy foods frequently, it cannot cope up and becomes weak over time. This creates problems like indigestion, flatulence, bloating and heaviness. But, if you give your digestion system the necessary time to process the food, you will not have these problems.
2.Less Ama (less toxins)
Undigested food particles in the body that cannot be eliminated by the body becomes toxic over time. This is known as Ama in Ayurveda. Ama is the trigger behind several diseases. For instance, when it mixes with Vata dosha and lodges in the joints, it causes Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis). Many other diseases such as Gout, Glaucoma, increased levels or sugar or urea in the blood, depression, stones in the kidney or gallbladder are all caused because of Ama. The best way to eliminate Ama is to allow Agni to eliminate it, and that can happen when you keep the ideal gap between meals.
3.Better Ojas (stronger immunity, vigor and radiance)
Ojas is the basis of good health. It keeps your immunity strong, it keeps you vigorous and gives you a natural radiance. Ojas is the essence of the eight Dhatus in the human body. Dhatus are formed when Agni digests the food you eat. So in order to have good Ojas, you need strong Agni. By maintaining a proper gap between meals, you give your body the right conditions to form Ojas.
What is the ideal gap between meals?
There isn’t one perfect number for all. Some people become hungry frequently but they cannot eat an adequate amount when they sit down to eat. These are people with dominant Vata Dosha. Some people become hungry on time and can eat adequately too. These are Pitta type people. Then finally, there are Kapha type people who are less hungry than the other two types. By nature, their bodies need more time to digest food.
Hence, to know the ideal gap between meals for you, first find out your body type. Take an online VPK test.
1. If you are Vata type you can eat 3 healthy wholesome meals in intervals of 4 hours. Try some healthy snacks (like nuts, seeds, fruits) in between meals if you are really hungry.
2. If your dominant dosha is Pitta, then you can eat three wholesome meals at intervals of 4-5 hours. In case, you feel hungry in between meals, try a piece of fruit.
3.If you are a Kapha type person, and you can even have two healthy meals a day as long as you do not feel hungry in between. You can take a piece of fruit if you like instead of a big breakfast. Take your main meal at lunch, and eat light for dinner.
Always listen to your body. Depending on your Dosha, your body will demand food at the right times. Do not eat junk food and do not eat if you are not truly hungry. If you have not been feeling hungry for a while, talk to your doctor.
Source: https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/3-benefits-you-get-by-maintaining-ideal-gap-between-meals
Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor.
The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.