By Mark Goddard The extent to which food can heal physical and mental illness is a source of major controversy. Indeed, you can hardly open a magazine or browse social media without reading about someone who cured their cancer with raw carrots and steamed broccoli! Naturally, oncologists worry that such claims encourage patients to ditch conventional treatment altogether. Cancer Cancer is not a single disease. Claims of a “cancer cure,” or “cancer prevention,” are therefore misleading. In fact, cancer is an umbrella term for over 100 diseases, each studied and…
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Why Cancer Is so Common – And so Hard to Cure
By Dr. Janice Rachael Mae Your body is constantly decaying and rebuilding itself. And I don’t mean ‘sort of’ decaying or ‘figuratively’ regenerating, I mean it is literally dying and re-growing parts of itself at a rate we can barely comprehend. Since you started reading this article already millions of your cells will have died. Look at a window for a moment, you see those tiny particles floating in the air? Well those are 80% made up of your skin… You lose five and a half grams of skin every week that you’re alive. After…
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