Juice Therapy: Juices to Treat Heart Attack, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus

Hypertension : The word ‘Hypertension’ signifies excess of tension in mind but tension is one of the major symptoms of high blood pressure. High pulsation rate and pressure of blood against walls of blood vessels and arteries pushes up blood pressure level. If the cause has not been ascertained and deduced, it is called ‘Essential hypertension’ but when its cause has been ascertained, it is called ‘Primary hypertension’ but both of such forms are known as ‘high blood pressure’. Emotional upsets, family and professional problems, sudden and frequent tense moments,…

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Juice Therapy: Juices to Treat Cancer

Human body is such a complete, but symptomless and mind-boggling an entity, that it is, and still remains a mystery to medical world. Brain, sensorium, emergence of chain of thoughts and ideas, desires, aversions, likes and dislikes, devilish and saintly traits, sudden mood changes, mental tortures and convulsions within mind, and off- shoot of reactionary elements, suicidal and protective tendencies, will to survive, personality traits, love, hatred, attachment, affection and other noble facets are enough to create, for the inquisitive and researching minds, a wide field for thought-growth, but, all…

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Dementia care: Exercise to prevent symptoms & Five foods to avoid

  1)     Do this exercise to prevent symptoms of the condition developing DEMENTIA is an umbrella term used to describe different diseases which progressively damage the brain. There is currently no cure for the condition, but experts believe there are ways to prevent it developing. Dementia tends to occur in older people and triggers symptoms such as memory loss, difficulty concentrating and problems with planning and reasoning. The four main types of dementia are vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Getting older is the biggest risk factor…

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मक्खन के फायदे

1 कैंसर (Cancer) –जी हां, मक्खन (Butter) कोई मामूली चीज नहीं है। यह कैंसर जैसे रोग से बचाव करने में आपकी मदद करता है। दरअसल मक्खन में मौजूद फैटी एसिड कौंजुलेटेड लिनोलेक प्रमुख रूप से कैंसर से बचाव में मदद करता है। 2 ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (Osteoporosis)-विटामिन्स, मिनिरल्स और कैल्शियम से भरपूर मक्खन आपकी हड्डियों को मजबूत बनाकर ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस जैसी समस्याओं से निजात दिलाने में मदद करता है। दांतों के लिए भी यह बेहद फायदेमंद होता है। 3 बुखार (Fever) -गाय के दूध का मक्खन और खड़ी शर्करा का सेवन करने से पुराना…

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Look for Vitamins Pills in Nature

Nature abounds in Nutrition. So, why pop the pill? City folks hardly have enough time to sit down and have a decent meal. So, to gain the required nutrition, they resort to popping vitamin and mineral supplement. No matter how many vitamin pills you pop in a day, these can never make up for the nutrients that you can gain by tapping the fruits (and vegetables) offered by nature. So, instead of finding the essential vitamins artificially, look for the natural vitamins and include these in your daily diet. Trust…

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The Anti-Cancer Diet: Foods to Treat and Prevent Cancer

By Mark Goddard   The extent to which food can heal physical and mental illness is a source of major controversy. Indeed, you can hardly open a magazine or browse social media without reading about someone who cured their cancer with raw carrots and steamed broccoli! Naturally, oncologists worry that such claims encourage patients to ditch conventional treatment altogether. Cancer Cancer is not a single disease. Claims of a “cancer cure,” or “cancer prevention,” are therefore misleading. In fact, cancer is an umbrella term for over 100 diseases, each studied and…

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Amazing tips to eat healthy while travelling

Travelling; the most recreational activity to every mood. People who love mapping the different areas are the ones who love their life insanely and they love the food extremely. As to travel we need much more energy than needed! But knowing the true food during travelling is a real struggle. Actually the eating strategies have to be adapted during the course you shall travel, because it might differ the mode of travelling…bus, train, plane, ride, etc. Some important tips to go for a healthy trip on travelling: The Hotel Search…

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The Most Talked About Diet of 2017

Diet that goes a long way in making and keeping you leaner. Several food trends make headlines and a huge fanbase, that’s what happened with Ketogenic Diet in 2017. This LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet was omnipresent from health portals and magazines, to dietician’s recommendation tables. However, Ketogenic diet is not something new. It has been used for patients with epilepsy since ages. For an average person, adopting Ketogenic diet can be challenging, however, with Keto you are arming yourself with a double-edged sword, first you are limiting carbohydrates…

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4 vitamins for stronger teeth

SINGAPORE: Your diet – not your toothpaste, flossing or even brushing – is the real cause of tooth decay, said an Australia dentist. Dr Steven Lin, who is author of the upcoming book The Dental Diet, wrote in his blog drstevenlin.com that it’s not sugar alone that causes cavities; it’s the lack of teeth-strengthening nutrients in the modern Western diet. “Many mistakenly believe that they can prevent cavities and periodontal disease simply with good brushing habits and the right toothpaste – but this isn’t the most important factor,” he wrote in…

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Avoid These 10 Foods To Avoid Worse Joint Pain

The pain in the joints significantly aggravates even the easiest daily activities and leads to inflammation, swellings, and discomfort. Numerous people suffer from these pains, no matter their age or gender. The pain can vary from mild to severe, from acute to chronic. The main causes of joint pain are gout and arthritis, as well as injuries, leukemia, broken or dislocated bones, fibromyalgia, strained muscles, lupus, and even bursitis. The pain in the joints might also be aggravated by certain foods, and in contrast, soothed by others. These are the…

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