Regularly consuming ‘ultraprocessed’ foods increases risk of early death: Study

While we all love nibbling away at our pizzas, chips or french fries, a new study, conducted in France, now finds that we face a 14 per cent higher risk of early death with each 10 per cent increase in the amount of ultraprocessed food we eat. The authors of the study wrote in the journal JAMA Internal medicine that ultraprocessed foods are manufactured industrially from multiple ingredients that usually include additives used for technological and/or cosmetic purposes, reported CNN. They added, “Ultraprocessed foods are mostly consumed in the form…

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Benefits of Drumstick (सहजन)

सहजन (Drumstick) एक फल ही नहीं मानव के लिए कुदरत का चमत्कार है जो 100 से ज्यादा रोगों में… दुनीया का सबसे ताकतवर पोषण पुरक आहार है सहजन 300 से अधि्क रोगो मे बहोत फायदेमंद इसकी जड़ से लेकर फुल, पत्ती, फल्ली, तना, गोन्द हर चीज़ उपयोगी होती है आयुर्वेद में सहजन से तीन सौ रोगों का उपचार संभव है सहजन के पौष्टिक गुणों की तुलना 1-विटामिन सी- संतरे से सात गुना 2-विटामिन ए- गाजर से चार गुना 3-कैलशियम- दूध से चार गुना 4-पोटेशियम- केले से तीन गुना 5-प्रोटीन- दही की तुलना में तीन गुना   स्वास्थ्य के…

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World Cancer Day 2019: What Foods And Drinks Are Most Likely To Cause Cancer?

World Cancer Day 2019: The estimated number of deaths due to cancer in 2018 was 9.5 million, which amounts to a whopping 26,000 deaths a day. This number is expected to increase as environmental stresses increase, air quality worsens, lifestyles and eating habits too! World Cancer Day is an international day, marked on 4th February to increase awareness of cancer, and to encourage its prevention, early detection and treatment. The theme for World Cancer Day 2019 is – ‘I am and I will‘. The estimated number of deaths due to cancer…

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International Men’s Day: Here are the top 5 diet, health and fitness tips for men

On International Men’s Day, we list some of the basic, yet, important health tips that men and boys can follow to stay fit and healthy. Every year, November 19 is celebrated as International Men’s Day, a day to acknowledge men who are making a positive difference and to raise awareness of issues that affect men and boys on a global scale. Apparently, many are not aware of this day, unlike the International Women’s Day, which is well-known and celebrated in various countries around the world. Apart from raising awareness of…

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By: Vinod Nigam The goal of my diet – style is eating for optimal health and longevity. What greater benefit could there be than living healthfully and actively into old age with no dependence on medications and almost no risk of heart disease, diabetes and dementia. —— Joel Fuhrman The power of positive thinking is vital for maintaining happiness, good health and longevity. —— Eraldo Banovac People live longer when they decide to become passionately involved in something beyond themselves. —— Richard Forth Someone whose heart is at peace is…

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Millennials at diabetes, cancer risk in middle age

The study included data from 2,000 participants, aged between 22 and 26 who participated in a survey. Owing to stressful jobs and relationships, millennials, or those born between 1980s and 2000, could be at a higher risk of developing diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, than their parents, researchers said. The study, commissioned by British charity Health Foundation, showed that people currently in their 20s and 30s will be at a higher risk of these “lifestyle” diseases in 30 years’ time. Despite public health measures improving on the aspects of smoking and…

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Too much screen time associated with heart disease, cancer

The researchers also found that higher levels of screen time were associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality, as well as a higher risk of both heart disease and cancer. By H S Rao Time spent watching TV or looking at a computer screen during leisure time has been associated with higher risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease in a new large-scale study. The research, led by the University of Glasgow and published today in BMC Medicine, has revealed a strong association between discretionary screen time and adverse health outcomes, particularly in those with…

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Belly fat linked to vitamin D deficiency

By Tim Newman A new study reveals that individuals with higher levels of belly fat and larger waistlines are more likely to have lower vitamin D levels. Currently, in medical circles, vitamin D is the talk of the town. Produced in our skin on contact with sunlight, it plays a myriad of roles in the human body. In the past few months, Medical News Today have covered a wealth of research into the group of fat-soluble secosteroids more commonly known as vitamin D. For instance, recent studies have found that vitamin D might protect against heart failure, diabetes, and cancer,…

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The Anti-Cancer Diet: Foods to Treat and Prevent Cancer

By Mark Goddard   The extent to which food can heal physical and mental illness is a source of major controversy. Indeed, you can hardly open a magazine or browse social media without reading about someone who cured their cancer with raw carrots and steamed broccoli! Naturally, oncologists worry that such claims encourage patients to ditch conventional treatment altogether. Cancer Cancer is not a single disease. Claims of a “cancer cure,” or “cancer prevention,” are therefore misleading. In fact, cancer is an umbrella term for over 100 diseases, each studied and…

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Why Cancer Is so Common – And so Hard to Cure

By Dr. Janice Rachael Mae Your body is constantly decaying and rebuilding itself. And I don’t mean ‘sort of’ decaying or ‘figuratively’ regenerating, I mean it is literally dying and re-growing parts of itself at a rate we can barely comprehend. Since you started reading this article already millions of your cells will have died. Look at a window for a moment, you see those tiny particles floating in the air? Well those are 80% made up of your skin… You lose five and a half grams of skin every week that you’re alive. After…

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