98.6 degrees is the normal temperature of the human body. But this keeps varying slightly according to the changes. This is maintained irrespective of the weather. A rise or fall in temperature of the body leads to various health issues. Hence, care should be taken to maintain the body temperature constant.
Body heat is a problem of many in this busy world. Heat stress is nothing but the body heat. Hence, to prevent the heat from the body, it is really important to keep the body hydrated. As this helps in flushing off the toxins from the body and reduce the heat from the body.
Not only water but it also very important to include foods which are of high water content and help in keeping the body cool reducing the heat. Here are some of the foods which should be included in our diet especially during summer.
– Watermelon is one of the water rich foods which helps in reducing the heat from the body and also help in keeping the body hydrated. This also helps in loss of weight on a regular consumption.
– Honeydew melon is one of the other water rich foods. This is the only preferred food during the summer time by many of the individuals.
– Cucumber also known as summer food has rich water content. Cucumber is really effective in cooling down the body. Make sure to include this as a salad or raita in your everyday life. This when kept on eyes as slices gives a great relaxation to eyes and also removes any dark circles present.
– Use of mint is one of the commonly known home remedy to reduce body heat. It is now available everywhere as “pudina water”.
– Radish, apart from being a water rich vegetable it is also a vitamin C rich vegetable. It is an antioxidant which helps in lowering the body heat. These also contain anti-inflammatory properties which are effective for fighting stress.
– Sesame seeds along with water also help in keeping the body cool.
– Fennel seeds can be soaked in water overnight. This mixture is stained and water can be consumed the next day morning which helps in keeping the body cool.
– As known by all, coconut water is the one which reduces the heat instantly and also boosts the energy.
– A glass of pomegranate juice every day helps in keeping the body cool and lowers the body temperature naturally.
– A handful of poppy seeds can be consumed with water before hitting the bed. These help in inducing the sleep and also regulate the temperature of the body
– For the one suffering with problem of body heat on a regular basis are advised to eat seeds of fenugreek everyday which help in lowering the body temperature.
Source: http://pleasureliving.com/foods-which-reduce-body-heat/