World Autism Awareness Day 2018: 6 things about Autism spectrum disorder that you didn’t know

Did you know premature infants are five times more likely to suffer from autism?

It is World Autism Awareness Day today and while this day is observed with an intention of spreading awareness of this health condition, there, unfortunately, is very little awareness in the real sense. The battle to fight this health condition is going at a much slower pace than expected. In India itself, more than a million cases of autism are recorded every year. Going by the statistics, 1 in every 68 children suffers from Autism. And while there are so many suffering from this condition, there are very few people who even understand this condition to the core. Here are a few things that you didn’t know about Autism spectrum disorder but you should know.

1. Autism doesn’t see age: Children as young as 12 months can be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder but the diagnosis is only relied on once the child is 24 month or older. Unfortunately, no particular test in the pathology lab can confirm Autism and there the child’s behaviour is evaluated to come to a conclusion. This is why follow-up visits to a paediatrician become very important for every parent. You must keep an eye on the signs of autism in children aged 12 – 18 months.
2. Symptoms of ASD can vary from person to person: While the common symptoms a child suffering from ASD may include, reluctance or hesitation is speaking, consistent repetition of words, lack of social communication, introvert behaviour, unresponsiveness, reluctance in having an eye contact, imaginative play, etc. The symptoms may differ widely from child to child. Even though most people with ASD are estimated to be nonverbal or having issues with speech but that isn’t the only symptom that can be relied on. Some of the other symptoms that have been seeing among autistic kids are an obsession with certain things, repetitive behaviours, etc.

3. Autism spectrum disorders are more common among the boys: Yes, studies have proved that boys are about 4.5 times likely to suffer from autism spectrum disorder than the girls. Also, anyone can be diagnosed with ASD contradictory to the popular myth that it is more common among the whites.
4. Suffering from ASD makes your more prone to other health conditions: ASD patients are more likely to suffer from other health issues like fragile X syndrome, epilepsy, depression, anxiety, allergies, ADHD, sleep disorders and stomach issues.

5. There’s no cure for autism: Unfortunately, there isn’t a ‘cure’ per say for autism. Having said that, early intervention may help autistic kids do better. Applied behavioural analysis (ABA) and occupational, speech, and physical therapies are frequently used for better life-management of people suffering from autism.

6. Premature infants are five times more likely to suffer from autism[1]*: A study revealed that children born at normal weights are less likely to suffer from ASD. ‘Emerging studies suggest that low birthweight may be a risk factor for autism spectrum disorders,’ says Pinto-Martin, director, Centre for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (CADDRE) at the school (as per the study).


Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor.

The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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