Stop Kids from Using Excess Toothpaste as it Leads to Tooth Decay

By: Abha Toppo If your child is in a habit of using excess toothpaste then you need to stop him or her. According to a recent study, young children who use toothpaste more than required are at an increased risk of ‘dental fluorosis’ when they grow older. Fluorosis is basically a condition that affects your teeth caused by excessive exposure to fluoride during the first 8 years of life. It must be noted that fluoride is a mineral, which is found in water and soil. More than 70 years ago, researchers…

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दांतों (Teeth) की सड़न रोकने के उपाय

लौंग (Clove) का तेल (Oil) – एंटीमाइक्रोबायल (Anti-Microbial) गुणों में समृद्ध लौंग कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ प्रदान करता है, जैसे कि इससे इम्यून सिस्टम (Immune system) मजबूत होती है, पाचन (Digestion) को आराम मिलता है और कैंसर (Cancer) का जोखिम भी कम होता है। दांतों की सड़न ठीक करने लिए आपको इन 4 चीजों की जरूरत होगी। इसके लिए आप एक चौथाई बड़ा चम्मच नारियल तेल (Coconut oil), एक चौथाई बड़ा चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर (Turmeric), 2 से 3 बूंद लौंग का तेल (Clove Oil) और एक चुटकी समुद्री नमक (Sea Salt)…

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4 vitamins for stronger teeth

SINGAPORE: Your diet – not your toothpaste, flossing or even brushing – is the real cause of tooth decay, said an Australia dentist. Dr Steven Lin, who is author of the upcoming book The Dental Diet, wrote in his blog that it’s not sugar alone that causes cavities; it’s the lack of teeth-strengthening nutrients in the modern Western diet. “Many mistakenly believe that they can prevent cavities and periodontal disease simply with good brushing habits and the right toothpaste – but this isn’t the most important factor,” he wrote in…

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World Oral Health Day: How to choose a toothbrush, other tips to keep teeth happy

 By Anonna Dutt   Want to keep your teeth pearly white? Doctors say how you brush your teeth is more important than what you use to brush it. Fancy and expensive toothpastes do not guarantee better oral hygiene and dentists don’t really recommend one over the other. Fluoride in toothpastes sticks to the teeth enamel and prevents cavities, triclosan has antimicrobial function and prevents plaque and zinc can remove tartar.   The right way to brush your teeth Place the toothbrush at a 45 degrees angle against your teeth…

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