Stay Happy, Healthy and Ulcer-free!
Ulcers are quite common in the modern civilization. The cause for these is mainly contributed to stress, the fast food culture as well as the unhealthy lifestyle. According to studies, 1 in 10 people suffer from ulcer pain at least once in their life time. Prevention and better stress management surely seems better than cure in these cases as ulcers can surely be quite painful.
Understanding Ulcers
Ulcers are usually caused when holes or breaks appear in the protective lining of the small intestine. Known as the duodenum, this lining protects the intestinal wall from coming in contact with the acids in the stomach. So, any break in this could lead to severe pain in the abdomen.
The other kinds of ulcers include stomach ulcers and esophageal ulcers. Stomach ulcers are caused when painful sores occur in the protective lining of the stomach. Similarly esophageal ulcers are caused due to formation of the sores in the esophagus.
What Causes Ulcers?
Preventing ulcers is really not that hard. However, in order to do so, one should understand the underlying causes of these. Let us take a look at what can lead to formation of ulcers.
1. Helicobacter Pylori: This is a bacterium that resides within the protective mucous layer in the stomach and the intestine. Though this is considerably harmless, it can sometimes cause inflammation of the protective lining, thus resulting in painful ulcers. According to doctors, this bacterium can be transmitted from one person to another when they come in close contact. It can also enter one’s body through food and water.
2. Acid Secretions: It is a natural process for the stomach to produce acids which destroy the bacteria that might enter the body through food and water. However, sometimes when the acids are secreted in excess, these can damage the stomach lining and lead to ulcers.
3. Medications: Studies have proved that people who excessively use over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin are more likely to get ulcers. Similarly use of heavy antibiotics and steroids for prolonged period can also cause ulcers.
4. Poor Lifestyle: People who smoke and drink heavily or gorge on extremely spicy food are likely to develop ulcers in the long run. High stress levels can also lead to this condition.
Signs of Ulcers
So, how can one know if he/she has ulcer? Well, looking out for these signs can help.
- Burning abdominal pain
- Severe heartburn
- Too much belching and feeling bloated
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Intolerance to fatty food
However it should be noted that a lot of people do not display any signs of ulcers. On the other hand, there are others whose symptoms might be quite pronounced and severe like
- Vomiting blood
- Breathing issues
- Sudden loss of weight
- Change in appetite
- Dizziness
- Preventing Ulcers
Ulcers can be really painful and can wreak havoc in one’s body and affect the entire metabolism. Thus, it is advisable to prevent ulcers from occurring in the first place. Wondering how this can be done? Take a look.
- Watch out for the foods that may be causing you trouble. It has been noted that not everyone’s gut agrees with spicy and fatty foods as well as citrus fruits. So, avoiding the foods that seem to be causing trouble to your stomach is one of the best ways to prevent ulcer formation.
- Give up smoking as this is in no way going to help your gut. In fact, duodenal ulcers are most common in smokers.
- It is okay to consume alcohol in moderation. However, overdoing it is sure to increase the chances of ulcer.
- Though you might have to take over-the-counter drugs to ease certain pains, it is advisable that you use these in moderation. Also when it comes to taking antibiotics and steroidal drugs, make sure to take these on a full stomach. This ensures that these drugs do not irritate the lining of the stomach and intestine.
- Since stress can also lead to ulcers, make sure to keep your stress levels under control. Meditation and yoga can help.
Following the Natural Course for Treating Ulcers
Medical intervention may be required when the ulcers get severe. However, if diagnosed at the early stages, it is quite easy to treat and prevent these through certain foods.
1. Honey: Honey has the power to fight bacteria. Thus consuming this helps in fighting Helicobater Pylori which is one of the main causes of ulcer. A tablespoon of honey in the morning and at night can help in relieving ulcer pain. Continuing this practice ensures prevention of ulcers.
2. Broccoli and Cauliflower: Comprising of Sulforaphane, these vegetables destroy the bacteria which causes ulcer. A bowl of raw or boiled broccoli or cauliflower everyday can help in preventing ulcers.
3. Cabbage: Being rich in Glutamine, an amino acid, a daily dose of cabbage will not only alleviate ulcer pain but will also help in its prevention. Two bowls of cabbage every day will do the trick.
4. Yoghurt: When good bacteria are induced in the gut, it fights against the ulcer causing bacteria and thus prevents it. Since yoghurt is a rich source of good bacteria, consuming it at least three times a week can help in preventing ulcers.
Summing Up
Ulcers can be painful and can really take a toll on one’s health. However these are easy to treat and prevent. A little lifestyle change can go a long way in preventing these and keeping the gut healthy and happy. However, irrespective of how serious the condition is, consulting a doctor is a must to understand the severity.
Also, a better stress management can help you relax your body and soul and keep your happy soul from ulcers.
Remember- Often, It is not what you are eating that causes ulcers; it is what is eating you.
Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor.
The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.