तिल का तेल (Sesame Oil) … पृथ्वी का अमृत

अपने पुरखे कितने वैज्ञानिक थे खान पान और हम कितने अवैज्ञानिक कि जो tv पर ऐड देख कर अंधे हो जाते है ।   यदि इस पृथ्वी पर उपलब्ध सर्वोत्तम खाद्य पदार्थों की बात की जाए तो तिल के तेल का नाम अवश्य आएगा और यही सर्वोत्तम पदार्थ बाजार में उपलब्ध नहीं है. और ना ही आने वाली पीढ़ियों को इसके गुण पता हैं. क्योंकि नई पीढ़ी तो टी वी के इश्तिहार देख कर ही सारा सामान ख़रीदती है. और तिल के तेल का प्रचार कंपनियाँ इसलिए नहीं करती क्योंकि…

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7 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

By – Cynthia Sass In case you were wondering, a tomato is a technically a fruit, because it’s seed-bearing and develops from the ovary of a flowering plant. (Botanically speaking, vegetables consist of other plant parts, like roots, leaves, and stems.) But when it comes to nutrition, tomatoes —along with seedy cucumbers and zucchini—are categorized as vegetables. That’s due in part to their lower carb and sugar contents: A medium tomato provides just 22 calories, and about 5 grams of total carb, with 3 as sugar and 1.5 as fiber. But this low-calorie, low-carb package is…

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रोजना दूध में सौंफ डालकर पीने के इन 9 चमत्कारी फायदे

रोजना दूध (Milk) में सौंफ (Fennel Seeds) डालकर पीने के इन 9 चमत्कारी फ़ायदों को जान गये तो आज से सौंफ वाला दूध पीने लगोगे। आप रोज सादा दूध पीते है तो इसके बजाय अगर आप दूध में आधा चम्मच सौंफ डालकर पिएंगे तो आप कई बीमारियों से बच सकते हैं. दूध और सौंफ इन दोनों में ऐसे न्यूट्रिएंट्स (Nutrients) होते हैं जो कई बीमारियों से शरीर को बचाते हैं। ?सौंफ वाला दूध बनाने की विधि : सौंफ वाला दूध बनाने के लिए एक गिलास दूध में आधा चम्मच सौंफ…

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Stay Happy, Healthy and Ulcer-free! Ulcers are quite common in the modern civilization. The cause for these is mainly contributed to stress, the fast food culture as well as the unhealthy lifestyle. According to studies, 1 in 10 people suffer from ulcer pain at least once in their life time. Prevention and better stress management surely seems better than cure in these cases as ulcers can surely be quite painful. Understanding Ulcers Ulcers are usually caused when holes or breaks appear in the protective lining of the small intestine. Known…

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Set yourself free from Constipation

Don’t let your gut give you the silent treatment Improper bowel movements are not serious. But they surely cause a lot of discomfort and gastric issues that can make your life difficult. However, it has been seen that when it comes to speaking up about bowel movements, people are really apprehensive. Believe it or not, every 1 in 7 adults suffers from constipation. Then why keep these issues under wraps. Instead, you should try to rectify it such that you can lead a normal life. Though constipation does not have…

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How To Remove The Uric Acid Crystallization And Prevent Joint Pain And Gout

The metabolic disorder which leads to joint inflammation and causes stiffness and swelling is known as gout. In the most severe cases it may cause awful pain which develops just in a few hours. This is due to the overload of uric acid. The main reason for this is the excessive creation and inefficient elimination of waste. The acid is created during the process of disintegration of purines – chemicals that naturally occur in the human body and can be found in various kinds of foods. When the kidneys cannot…

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Natural Therapy For Headaches, Acidity, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Diabetes

Therapy For Headaches: In about 5 mins, your headache will go……. The nose has a left and a right side. We use both to inhale and exhale. Actually they are different. You’ll be able to feel the difference. The right side represents the sun. The left side represents the moon. During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe. In about 5 mins, your headache will go. If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. After…

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