होमेओपेथी की थूजा 1M की दो बूंद रोज सुबह जबतक रोग ठीक न हो व घरेलू में इस लेख के अनुसार कोई भी नियमित ? मस्से (Warts) क्यों होते हैं इनके होने के कारण : पेपीलोमा वायरस के कारण हमारी त्वचा पर छोटे खुरदरे कठोर गोल पिण्ड बन जाते हैं जिसे मस्सा कहते हैं। इन मस्सों के कई प्रकार होते हैं। कुछ मस्से ऐसे होते हैं जो उत्पन्न होकर अपने आप एकाएक समाप्त हो जाते हैं। इनमें दर्द नहीं होता है पर उसे काटने पर काफी खून बहता है। बाद…
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Year ender 2017: Nutrition myths busted
Nutritional expert busts food goals that became popular this year. By: SOUMYABRATA GUPTA A new year is knocking on the door, which means you’re probably reevaluating all your poor health choices and setting a few fitness goals for 2018. Every year has its own nutrition fads, and while some work, some are nothing but skeptical conjectures. With the easy accessibility of the internet, it makes it easier than ever to spread misinformation. Myths spread like wildfire through various social media platforms. Speaking to this correspondent, Munmun Ganeriwal, a Nutrition and Exercise…
Read MoreWatch What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Warm Turmeric Water, It’s Unbelievable
Turmeric has many health benefits. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-aging spice. That is why you need to drink warm turmeric water every day. Turmeric contains one active compound – curcumin. More than 7000 scientific researches explain its amazing benefits. We present you 10 reasons why you should drink turmeric water 1. It fights against inflammation We are all aware that inflammation can lead to different diseases and turmeric can fight against inflammation. That is why it is extremely effective when it comes to fighting against inflammations. 2. It will…
Read MoreThe dangers of cleaning agents
By: KANIZA GARARI Ever wondered what your household cleaning liquid is doing to your health? Women, who are homemakers, are found to suffer from the problem more commonly. While your house becomes cleaner with each rub, your body suffers — household cleaning liquids or agents are linked to respiratory problems such as bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis (which includes running nose and nasal block) due to the acidic fumes they release upon evaporation. No wonder then that the increased use of these liquids for cleaning bathrooms, floors as well as the…
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