Neem is useful for many diseases in man. But its major fields are leprosy, skin diseases and diseases of blood. There is nothing like neem in treating skin diseases particularly. Take the flowers, the fruits and the leaves, all in an equal quantity, grind them together on a clean stone into a very fine paste, mix this paste in water, stir well and drink it as asherbat. Start with just 2 mashas, increase the dosage upto 6 mashas and continue the treatment for 40 days. This medication has been found…
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Manifesting Good Health
by Arogyadham Maa Yoga Ashram What is a good health? The person who is able to dance like a child, who is able to jump like a child, who has no burden in his mind, a person who stands instantly as a child and sits instantly like a frog. How active is he? He is definitely a healthy person from which the energy is bursting every day. When we come to the point of health, everyone is definitely concerned with the healing of body organs, mental and physical affairs. “Natural…
Read MoreTherapy to cure common cold for Kids
जब जापान में बच्चे को cold होती हे तो दवाई नहीं ये गरम पानी ( LUKE WARM WATER ) की therapy करते हे और बच्चा १ दिन में ठीक हो जाता हे .. और हमारे यहI अंगरेजी दवाई खिला के बचपन से बच्चों को खोखले कर दिए जाते हे .. See video: Source: Whatsapp Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and…
Read MoreHow Kapalbhati can help in detoxifying the brain
by Anil Rajvanshi Kapalbhati is a part of Pranayam kriya where one forcefully exhales rapidly and in short bursts. Practitioners claim that it helps in cleaning lungs and in exercising the abdomen muscles. It is therefore recommended for reducing tummy fat. The word Kapalbhati means skull illumination ! Yogis claim that practicing it cleans the brain and gives shining quality to a person’s appearance. Modern science may give credence to this claim. Recently researchers have shown that nanoparticles (particle size of 10-30 nanometers which are almost 10-20 times smaller than those…
Read MoreRemedy for Cold & Cough
अभी सर्दी की शुरुवात होने वाली है.. ऐसे में जुकाम या गला खराब होना आम बात है… इसी को ध्यान में रखकर ही यह लेख लिखा गया है… जब हमारा शरीर मौसम के अनुसार एडजस्ट नहीं करता है तो हम मौसमी रोगों के शिकार हो जाते है… मौसम के बदलाव के दौरान व्यक्ति का शरीर वातावरण में हो रहे बदवाल को नहीं झेल पाता है और सर्द-गर्म के असर से सर्दी-जुकाम से ग्रसित हो जाता है.. सर्दी की शुरुआत नाक से होती है पर धीरे-धीरे इसका असर पूरे शरीर पर…
Read MoreDental Care: How to Treat Dental Pain?
Pain producing causes may be as simple as toothache nitiated by a deep carious tooth or a loose tooth. On the other hand pain may be complicated requiring further investigations. Pain is defined as an unpleasant stimulus which is perceived by the conscious mind. The perception of pain begins upon a process of electro-chemical conductivity from the painful area to the brain. Reaction to pain involves a complex mechanism which is based on age, sex, fatigue, emotional status and the past experiences. Toothache A toothache may be mild, moderate or…
Read MoreTop Secret Revealed – Nature’s Shield against Lung and Throat Infections
Relieve Pain & Fight Infections without Pills and Antibiotics Consider Infections and Allergies as text messages that your body sends to you, stating that something is wrong. Stress and improper diets are often the main reason for an overtaxed immune system. In this article, we take a look at what you can do to prevent, cure or alleviate chest and throat infections naturally. Your lungs are one of the most worked organs in your body. Sadly, they are the most abused as well. Meaning, you end up with respiratory tract…
Read More5 common question on throat cancer and its treatment answered
Dr Sanjiv Badhwar answers some of the frequently asked questions about throat cancer treatment. By: Bhavyajyoti Chilukoti Throat cancer is the cancer of the voice box, the vocal cords, and other parts of the throat, such as the tonsils and oropharynx. However, there are many questions related to it. Such as does it lead to voice problems? What are the best treatment options for throat cancer? And other common questions on throat cancer and its treatment are answered by Dr Sanjiv Badhwar, Consultant and Head – ENT, Head Neck Robotic Surgeon, Otolaryngologist, Mumbai. 1. How…
Read MoreNational Dengue Day Tomorrow: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention & Home Remedies
Dengue prevention and control is everyone’s responsibility; together we can make a difference. National Dengue Day was first observed on 16th of May, 2016 by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India. The aim of this day is to control the Dengue through create awareness, initiate preventive actions and continue till transmission season is over. Dengue is a common viral disease spread by mosquito bite. It is transmitted by a mosquito called Aedes Aegypti. It occurs in two forms. The first form is, Classical Dengue fever also known…
Read MoreCare of Your Ears
BY WILLIAM E. BURKARD Another Great Gift Grandfather’s Watch: Grandfather had a very beautiful watch. The outside was of shining gold. Sometimes Grandfather opened the back of the watch and let Betty and Bobby look at the tiny wheels and springs that made the watch go. He would not let them get too close nor look too long. “It is very delicate,” he would say. “A little dust might get into the works. Then the watch would not keep good time and it would have to be fixed.” “You see,” said…
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