Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal that has protective, lubricating and antibacterial properties. The main work of the wax is to protect the ears from bacteria and other external agents. Most of the time, there is a slow and orderly migration process inside the ear canal in which earwax and skin cells are transported from the eardrum to the ear opening, where it can be easily removed. However, problems can occur when there is a blockage or impaction of earwax. It can accumulate…
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Ten home remedies for fever
Natural ways to reduce a high fever and treat the flu using simple products found in most homes A fever is your body’s way of fighting an infection during a flu or infection. Suppressing a fever is not advised, as the fever will kill the bacteria and virus. However, high fevers can be dangerous, especially for small children. Natural medicine has numerous treatments to reduce a high fever. 1) Add a half cup of vinegar (सिरका ) to lukewarm bath water and soak for five to ten minutes. 2) Boil…
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Chickenpox is caused by the virus known as varicella-zoster and spreads easily from one person to another. This disease can spread through air or contact with saliva, mucus, or fluid from blisters of an infected individual. The infected person is contagious from a day or two before the rashes appear, until the time when all the blisters have dried. It usually takes 10-21 days for the symptoms to develop the symptoms after being exposed to the virus. The most common symptoms are an itchy rash and red spots or blisters all…
Must read very useful: SOMETHING YOU MIGHT HAVE NOT KNOWN And NEED TO KNOW !! Ants Problem: Ants hate Cucumbers. “KEEP the skin of Cucumbers near the Place where they are or at Ant Hole. To make the Mirror Shine: “Clean with Sprite” To remove Chewing Gum from Clothes: “Keep the Cloth in the Freezer for One Hour” To Whiten White Clothes: “Soak White Clothes in hot water with a Slice of Lemon for 10 Minutes” To give a Shine to your Hair: “Add one Teaspoon of Vinegar to Hair, then wash Hair”…
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