दालचीनी (Cinnamon) के नुस्खे

1) इसमें आयरन की मात्रा अधिक होती है जो एनीमिया से बचाती है। 2) रोज सुबह एक गिलास पानी में चुटकीभर दालचीनी और कालीमिर्च पाउडर डालकर उबालें।पानी आधा रह जाए तो छानें और एक चम्मच शहद मिलाकर पी लें। वजन घटाने में मदद मिलेगी। 3) दालचीनी का पाउडर और पानी मिलाकर पतला लेप बनाएं। इसे माथे पर लगाएं और सूखने पर हटा दें। ऐसा 3-4 बार करें।इससे सिरदर्द की समस्या कम होती है। 4) इसके इस्तेमाल से आपको पिंपल्स की परेशानी से भी राहत मिलेगी। हफ्ते में दो बार आधा…

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इन 50 घरेलु नुस्खों को जीवन में याद रखेगें तो कभी डॉक्टर के पास नहीं जाना पड़ेगा

साधारण छोटे-छोटे प्रयोग जिनको आप अवश्य अपनाए कुछ प्रयोग नीचे दिए गए है जो आपके घर में ही उपलब्ध है अजमाए और लाभ ले 1- अजवायन का साप्ताहिक प्रयोग :- सुबह खाली पेट सप्ताह में एक बार एक चाय का चम्मच अजवायन मुँह में रखें और पानी से निगल लें। चबाएँ नहीं। यह सर्दी, खाँसी, जुकाम, बदनदर्द, कमर-दर्द, पेटदर्द, कब्जियत और घुटनों के दर्द से दूर रखेगा। 10 साल से नीचे के बच्चों को आधा चम्मच 2 ग्राम और 10 से ऊपर सभी को एक चम्मच यानी 5 ग्राम लेना…

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5 Best Drinks To Soothe Your Sore And Scratchy Throat

By: Sarika Rana A sore throat can be very annoying; the itchy feeling that refuses to go away and the constant irritation makes you highly uncomfortable. A sore and scratchy throat occurs as a part of your body’s immune response to viral or bacterial infections. Your immune response leads to inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes in the throat, resulting in soreness. Some of the factors causing sore throat are common cold, flu, allergies, pollutants, smoke, dryness and muscle strain by yelling or talking loudly. Some of the symptoms of…

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Natural ingredients are medicine!

Even hidden in our lives around? 1. Natural kidney medicine – yam 2. Natural sleeping pills – bananas 3. Natural skin medicine – chamomile 4. Natural cold medicine – lemon 5. Natural stomach medicine – cabbage 6. Natural painkillers – ginger 7. Natural antihypertensive drugs – celery 8. Natural lipid-lowering drugs – hawthorn 9. Natural hypoglycemic agents – cinnamon 10. Natural anti-inflammatory drugs – honey 11. Natural laxative – prunes 12. Natural vitamins – strawberries 13. Natural anti-aging drugs – grapes 14. Natural heavy metal antidote – dragon fruit 15.…

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Remedies to treat diabetes at home

India is said to be the diabetes capital of the world. With nearly 50 million people in India suffering from diabetes, the country has a big challenge to face. First, let’s know what is diabetes. The elevated sugar in the blood is called diabetes. There are two primary reasons behind diabetes – one is when our body stops producing insulin and second is when the body does not respond to insulin that is produced by the body. Insulin is broken down by the body and used as energy, which is transported to…

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Natural Treatments for Hearing Loss

By Dr. Mao Shing Ni AN UNFORTUNATE FACT: THE AVERAGE PERSON starts losing hearing in his or her twenties.   The loss is so gradual that most people don’t notice until it affects their lives. Even when they need to use the highest volume on the television, some people don’t recognize or admit that they have a hearing problem. The gradual deterioration of hearing is primarily a result of the environmental, lifestyle, and dietary choices we make during our youth. The popularity of digital audio players is certainly adding to the problem of…

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Benefits of drinking Milk with Cinnamon

दूध (Milk) तो हम में से कई लोग पीते है फिर भी लोगो को शिकायत रहती है कि उन्हें दूध पचता नही है और ना ही शरीर को लगता है। आज हम आपको एक ऐसी चीज बतायेंगे जिसे दूध में डालकर पीने से आपका शरीर फौलाद की तरह बन जायेगा। आप बीमारियों से कोसों दूर हो जाएंगे और एक स्वस्थ-निरोगी काया पाएंगे। ये चीज है दालचीनी (Cinnamon)  जिसे हम दैनिक जीवन मे बहुतायत से उपयोग करते है पर इसके कई फायदों से अनजान हैं। दालचीनी को इसके अनोखे गुणों के…

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15 home remedies for common cold and cough

Trusting on home remedies to cure common cold and cough is something that many Indian households still believe. Besides treating common cold and cough effectively, these home remedies are also free from any side-effects. Here we have mentioned some of these home remedies that will help you treat common cold and cough. Ginger tea Ginger tea not only tastes good but also helps in treating common cold and cough. The tea helps in drying running and dripping nose, thus expelling phlegm from the respiratory tract. Among various health benefits of…

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Research suggests that you can keep your cholesterol levels in check by making simple but effective dietary changes, opting for an exercise regimen and keeping your weight in check. Here are some effective ways to lower your cholesterol levels without popping pills:   ? SAY NO TO TRANS FATS ? Food manufacturers use trans fats because they extend the shelf life of packaged baked goods. ? They raise LDL (bad cholesterol), lower HDL (good cholesterol), and increase the risk of developing heart diseases and stroke. ? Trans fats are found in…

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How To Use Essential Oils Effectively And Safely

Essential oils are known to solve numerous beauty related problems. However, there are a few dos and don’ts for using the oils. It is important to do a patch test before purchase and never should the essential oils be used near the eyes, say experts. Beauty experts have listed crucial points before you make essential oils a part of your daily beauty regime: Do’s * A patch test before purchasing: It is necessary to conduct a patch test before purchasing essential oils and making sure it suits your skin type.…

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