Once blood transfusion has taken place, the nurses and doctors check for symptoms of an adverse reaction after a few hours. Blood transfusion means infusing blood to a needy patient. Blood has components like red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets or clotting factors, and plasma or whole blood which can be transfused to the patient as whole or according to the need. There are five types of white blood cells which play different protective roles during infection control. Platelets helps in clotting blood during wounds and injuries, while plasma…
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World Thalassemia Day: Why We All Need to Pledge to Donate Blood
By: DR SUNIL BHAT Blood, the life line of our bodies, has three major cellular components: red cells, white cells and platelets. Red cells provide energy and transport oxygen in the body. In Thalassemia major, red cells synthesis is insufficient and the life span also is very short. The disease manifests early in childhood, mostly in the first year of life, and these patients require lifelong frequent blood transfusions (every few weeks) to keep them alive. Burden of the Problem 80% of the children with this disease are born in Asian…
Read MoreIf You Eat 2 Bananas Per Day For A Month, This Is What Happens To Your Body
One of nature’s most underrated fruits, the bananas are one of the most popular foods in the world because of their perfect portion size, natural protective wrap and cheap price. But did you know that bananas can provide you with some amazing health benefits? Eating 2 bananas a day can help you control your blood pressure, keep your bowels healthy, lose more weight and protect your eyesight. Bananas contain the natural sugars sucrose and fructose which give them their sweet flavor, but are also packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber…
Read MoreNature Cure for Anaemia
Anaemia, which means ” lacking in blood “, is among the most common diseases affecting human beings. It denotes a shortage of rich red blood cells and colouring matter and usually results from consumption of refined foods. The blood flowing in our veins and arteries is really living tissue. Nearly half of it consists of red blood cells which carry oxygen to the tissues. Approximately one trillion ( 10,000 million ) new blood cells are formed in the bone marrow daily. The raw materials required in the production of these…
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