स्वास्थ्य के प्रति अनदेखी करने से कभी-कभी पूरे शरीर में या फिर किसी अंग विशेष में सूजन आ जाती है विशेषकर पैरों में सूजन आना एक आम समस्या है लेकिन यदि ऐसा बार-बार हो तो यह शरीर में छिपी किसी बड़ी बीमारी का संकेत भी हो सकता है। यह शरीर में अत्यधिक पानी एकत्रित होने के कारण होता है और यह हृदय लिवर या किडनी की किसी समस्या का संकेत होता है। जब शरीर में अतिरिक्त पानी या फ्लूइड जमा हो जाता है तो शरीर में सूजन आने लगती…
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World Hypertension day 2018: Know your numbers to stay fit
World Hypertension day, observed on the 17th of May every year, calls out for increasing awareness about this silent killer. World Hypertension day, observed on the 17th of May every year, calls out for increasing awareness about this silent killer and help people realise that hypertension or high blood pressure is a preventable and controllable condition. Hypertension remains a contributing risk factor for stroke, heart attacks and other cardiovascular complications leading to deaths across the globe. The theme for the World Hypertension Day 2018 is ‘Know Your Numbers.’ According to…
Keep calm and say no to hypertension Hypertension which is commonly termed as high blood pressure is a lifestyle disease that is affecting millions of people across the world. What was earlier perceived to be a health issue that affected only the elderly is now detected even in children as well as teenagers. According to experts, the main reason for the increase in the number of reported cases of hypertension is the wrong choice of diet and lack of physical activities. However, this is not to be taken lightly, given…
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