नींद नहीं आती तो आजमाएँ ये घरेलू नुस्खे

नींद नहीं आना , अनिद्रा या  Sleeplessness के कई कारण हो सकते हैं। सुबह बिस्तर से उठने के बाद यदि फ्रेश व तरोताजा महसूस नहीं करते हो। दिन भर थकान , उनींदापन और चिड़चिड़ाहट रहती हो। रात को सोने के लिए लेटने पर नींद नहीं आती हो। थके हुए होने के बावजूद सो नहीं पाते हों । रात को नींद खुल जाए तो फिर दुबारा सोने में मुश्किल होती हो। न चाहते हुए भी सुबह बहुत जल्दी नींद खुल जाती हो और ये लगातार कुछ दिन , कुछ सप्ताह या…

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Summer Skin Care Tips: Follow These 10 Tips For A Radiant Skin

It’s that time of the year when chai becomes a little less favoured and nimbu-soda is available almost everywhere. Very soon, anything synthetic will be a no-no and cotton will be your go-to fabric. Umbrellas come out to give your sunscreen company, suede shoes get packed away. Yes, summer time is here. And with it, a whole host of skin care issues too. Oily skin gets oilier, and dry skin gets patchy. There are breakouts and pimples, rashes and roughness, and that acne just wouldn’t go away! Just a few simple changes in your everyday skin…

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गुस्सा दूर करने के उपाय

वास्तव में गुस्सा एक भयानक तूफ़ान जैसा है, जो जाने के बाद पीछे अपनी बर्बादी का निशान छो़ड जाता हैं। गुस्से में सबसे पहले दिमाग फिर जबान अपना आपा खोती है, वह वो सब कहती है, जो नहीं बिलकुल भी कहना चाहिए और रिश्तों में जबरदस्त क़डवाहट आ जाती है। और तब तो और भी मुश्किल होती है जब गुस्सा हमारे दिमाग में घर कर जाता है और हमारे अन्दर बदला लेने की सामने वाले को नुकसान पहुँचाने की भावना प्रबल हो जाती है । हम यहाँ पर आपको कुछ…

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प्रोस्टेट वृद्धि के लक्षण

प्रोस्टेट वृद्धि (Prostate Enlargement) के लक्षण – १) पेशाब (Urine) करने में कठिनाई मेहसूस होना। २) थौडी २ देर में पेशाब की हाजत होना। रात को कई बार पेशाब के लिये उठना। ३) पेशाब की धार चालू होने में विलंब होना। ४) मूत्राषय पूरी तरह खाली नहीं होता है। मूत्र की कुछ मात्रा मूत्राषय में शेष रह जाती है। इस शेष रहे मूत्र में रोगाणु पनपते हैं। 40-50 की उम्र के बाद ये समस्या अक्सर पुरुषो को घेर लेती हैं और ये इतनी विकराल हो जाती हैं के बहुत सारे…

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Blog by Dr Partap Chauhan Many people complain of feeling fatigued and stressed. When they come home in the evening they feel very tired and often they feel agitated and angry. Ayurveda describes a few things that you should do when you go home. The first thing that you should do when you come out of the office is to switch off the office in your mind. As soon as you sit in the car or in the metro or on your motorcycle, stop thinking what you did in the office or…

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World No tobacco day: UP to target heart health & Superfoods to deal with withdrawal symptoms

By: Shailvee Sharda To discourage the use of tobacco among youths, state health department has decided to focus impact of tobacco consumption on health of heart in its IEC campaigns. This is significant considering that one in three adults in the state consume tobacco as per data from health ministry. Citing data from world health organisation on the eve of world no tobacco day, health minister Siddharth Nath Singh said over two million persons die of cardiovascular disease caused by tobacco consumption. “Since, tobacco is a dual killer, we have decided to launch a targeted…

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Sugar Overload May Cause Weight Gain and Other Problems: 5 Ways To Cut Down On Sugar

Excessive consumption of sugar, can put your health at major risk. The zero nutrient value of sugar does not help your body and instead leads to weight gain and other ailments in the body Let’s admit it, one cupcake or an ice cream a day can put a bevy of our daily woes at bay. And, it is totally okay to indulge yourself with these sugary treats once in a while. It is only when you overdo it, that the problem arise.An overload of sugar, sits in the system as…

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Regular Cycling Keeps You Young and Your Immune System Strong: Study

Cycling regularly may help keep you rejuvenated, young and disease-free, claims a new study. The study published in the journal Aging Cell, revealed that those who cycle enough can delay the onset of diseases normally associated with middle-age or old age by strengthening your immunity system as compared to those who are healthy, but did not exercise regularly. For the study scientists examined 125 amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79. Thymus gland which makes immune cells called T-cells begin to shrink with time, typically after the age of 20. But…

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Keep calm and say no to hypertension Hypertension which is commonly termed as high blood pressure is a lifestyle disease that is affecting millions of people across the world. What was earlier perceived to be a health issue that affected only the elderly is now detected even in children as well as teenagers. According to experts, the main reason for the increase in the number of reported cases of hypertension is the wrong choice of diet and lack of physical activities. However, this is not to be taken lightly, given…

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How To Remove The Uric Acid Crystallization And Prevent Joint Pain And Gout

The metabolic disorder which leads to joint inflammation and causes stiffness and swelling is known as gout. In the most severe cases it may cause awful pain which develops just in a few hours. This is due to the overload of uric acid. The main reason for this is the excessive creation and inefficient elimination of waste. The acid is created during the process of disintegration of purines – chemicals that naturally occur in the human body and can be found in various kinds of foods. When the kidneys cannot…

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