कुछ सूत्र जो याद रखे…..! एक साथ नहीं खानी चाहिए: ⚫-चाय के साथ कोई भी नमकीन चीज नहीं खानी चाहिए।दूध और नमक का संयोग सफ़ेद दाग या किसी भी स्किन डीजीज को जन्म दे सकता है, बाल असमय सफ़ेद होना या बाल झड़ना भी स्किन डीजीज ही है। ⚫-सर्व प्रथम यह जान लीजिये कि कोई भी आयुर्वेदिक दवा खाली पेट खाई जाती है और दवा खाने से आधे घंटे के अंदर कुछ खाना अति आवश्यक होता है, नहीं तो दवा की गरमी आपको बेचैन कर देगी। ⚫-दूध या…
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Five Simple Tips for Reducing Forgetfulness!
Forgetfulness is one of the most common problems that many people face today. It can be defined as a ‘memory loss’ or a ‘persistent failure’ to remember. Forgetfulness can be frustrating and can affect or even cost your job. It can also affect your home life. Forgetfulness is linked to the executive functions in the brain – processes which help in managing, organising, and disseminating information. While mild forgetfulness is considered as a normal part of aging, when it happens more than it should it can trigger fears of looming…
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What are Hiccups? Hiccups are a reflex action, which means that we do not have any control over them. Hiccups are a sudden, involuntary squeezing of the diaphragm, the main breathing muscle under the lungs, which results in sucking the air quickly into the lungs thereby snapping and shutting glottis above the voice-box (larynx). This snapping makes the sound of a hiccup. Hiccups will usually stop on their own. Continuous hiccups lasting for more than a day or two may indicate a cause of an underlying disease, which needs medical intervention.…
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