Juice Therapy: Juices to Treat Heart Attack, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus

Hypertension : The word ‘Hypertension’ signifies excess of tension in mind but tension is one of the major symptoms of high blood pressure. High pulsation rate and pressure of blood against walls of blood vessels and arteries pushes up blood pressure level. If the cause has not been ascertained and deduced, it is called ‘Essential hypertension’ but when its cause has been ascertained, it is called ‘Primary hypertension’ but both of such forms are known as ‘high blood pressure’. Emotional upsets, family and professional problems, sudden and frequent tense moments,…

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Juice Therapy: Juices to Treat Cancer

Human body is such a complete, but symptomless and mind-boggling an entity, that it is, and still remains a mystery to medical world. Brain, sensorium, emergence of chain of thoughts and ideas, desires, aversions, likes and dislikes, devilish and saintly traits, sudden mood changes, mental tortures and convulsions within mind, and off- shoot of reactionary elements, suicidal and protective tendencies, will to survive, personality traits, love, hatred, attachment, affection and other noble facets are enough to create, for the inquisitive and researching minds, a wide field for thought-growth, but, all…

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Juice Therapy: Guidelines to Follow Juice Therapy

It is but natural that, before deciding to switch over to juice therapy or make it a part of diet, one way have some inquisitiveness or apprehensions about use of this therapy. In order to allay such probable doubts we give here answers to such possible questions which a reader may like to be dealt with, before deciding to switch over to juice therapy. Is juice therapy a panacea for all disorders? Like all other therapies, juice therapy is also a way, rather a unique method, juice therapy is also…

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Here’s How Maintaining Consistency in Weight Loss Can Help in the Long Run

According to the study published in the journal Obesity, those who lost weight in consistent bouts were more likely to achieve long-term weight loss than one who showed no consistency. Planning to shed some quick pounds? Make sure you choose a program that helps in losing a consistent number of pounds each week, it may prove more effective in the long run than a program where your weight keeps fluctuating, according to a study. According to the study published in the journal Obesity, those who experienced consistent weight loss in…

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Swine Flu Cases Soar Again: Spot the Symptoms Early and Bolster Up Your Diet

Swine flu is on rise again. As per the official figures, close to 600 people have succumbed to the debilitating disease this year with the major chunk of mortality recorded in Maharashtra – almost 50% of the total national swine flu death count. As per a PTI report, a total of 12,460 registered swine-flu cases have been reported this year versus 1,786 cases reported last year. The death toll has seen a two-fold rise this year as compared to the previous year. Close to 320 H1N1 cases have been reported…

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Why Sprout?

Increases Nutrient Absorption – B12, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc Makes Foods easier to Digest Decreases AntiNutirents & Phytic Acid Increases Protein availability Increases Fiber content Breaks down Gluten for easier Digestibility Helps reduce other Allergens found in Grains May increase Enzymes & Anti-Oxidants Source: Dr.Axe

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