Juice Therapy: Juices to Treat Heart Attack, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus

Hypertension : The word ‘Hypertension’ signifies excess of tension in mind but tension is one of the major symptoms of high blood pressure. High pulsation rate and pressure of blood against walls of blood vessels and arteries pushes up blood pressure level. If the cause has not been ascertained and deduced, it is called ‘Essential hypertension’ but when its cause has been ascertained, it is called ‘Primary hypertension’ but both of such forms are known as ‘high blood pressure’. Emotional upsets, family and professional problems, sudden and frequent tense moments,…

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10 refreshing homemade summer drink recipes you must try to beat the heat and stay healthy

Try these 10 cooling summer drinks to help you beat the heat and stay healthy. These drinks are nutritious and a great way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake. The warm summer days are here, which means it’s time to enjoy some refreshing homemade beverages that will not only help quench your thirst but also give your health a boost. These refreshing drinks are pleasing to your taste buds and low in calories, making them a perfect drink to beat the heat without sabotaging your weight loss diet. What’s…

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Juice Therapy: Juices to Treat Cancer

Human body is such a complete, but symptomless and mind-boggling an entity, that it is, and still remains a mystery to medical world. Brain, sensorium, emergence of chain of thoughts and ideas, desires, aversions, likes and dislikes, devilish and saintly traits, sudden mood changes, mental tortures and convulsions within mind, and off- shoot of reactionary elements, suicidal and protective tendencies, will to survive, personality traits, love, hatred, attachment, affection and other noble facets are enough to create, for the inquisitive and researching minds, a wide field for thought-growth, but, all…

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Juice Therapy: Guidelines to Follow Juice Therapy

It is but natural that, before deciding to switch over to juice therapy or make it a part of diet, one way have some inquisitiveness or apprehensions about use of this therapy. In order to allay such probable doubts we give here answers to such possible questions which a reader may like to be dealt with, before deciding to switch over to juice therapy. Is juice therapy a panacea for all disorders? Like all other therapies, juice therapy is also a way, rather a unique method, juice therapy is also…

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World Tuberculosis Day: Theme, Significance And Some Effective Home Remedies To Treat TB Naturally

World Tuberculosis Day: The theme is “It’s time”, referring to the urgency to act on the commitments made by global leaders to build accountability regarding TB and increase access of prevention and treatment of TB. World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 2019 is observed on March 24. Every year, the day is meant to raise awareness about the devastating consequences of TB and how to end the global epidemic of this lung disease. On march 24, 1882, TB bacterium was discovered by Dr Robert Koch. This marked the first step towards diagnosis…

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Type 2 diabetes diet: Include low-calorie carrots in your diabetes meal plan to lower blood sugar naturally

Turns out there’s a specific type of food or juice that can help improve blood sugar control and manage diabetes. Here’s how to include carrots in your type 2 diabetes diet plan. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that can lead to serious complications if not properly controlled. In addition to medication, making dietary changes such as following a healthy eating plan that is naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories, as well as maintaining a healthy weight by staying physically active, can help you control…

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गाजर मिक्स वेज जूस के फायदे

गाजर मिक्स वेज  जूस के फायदों से अवगत करवाया जा रहा है। ?हमारी प्रकृति में गाजर एक अत्यंत ही बेहतरीन ऊर्जावान,पोषक तत्वों से युक्त वनस्पति है जो कई गुणों की खान है। गाजर में फाइबर,पोटेशियम,विटामिन B1,B2,B6,विटामिन A, विटामिन C, विटामिन E,विटामिन K ,मैंगनीज,नियासिन,पेन्थोंथेनिक एसिड,फास्फोरस,फोलेट,बायोटिन,मोलिब्डेनम और कॉपर से युक्त होती है। सर्दियों में प्रतिदिन गाजर का मिक्स जूस शरीर और सेहत के लिए बहुत ही फायदेमंद है। ? सारी जानकारी गाजर जूस पर किये गए रिसर्च को हिंदी में अनुवाद करके इक्कठी की गई है। ?नोट– गाजर जूस के साथ आंवला,चकुंदर,टमाटर,पुदीना…

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Remedies to Kill Cancer Cells

Hot coconut water can save you a lifetime Cut 2 to 3 thin coconut flakes in a cup, add hot water, it will become “alkaline water”, drink every day, it is good for anyone. Hot Coconut water releases an anti-cancer substance, which is the latest advance in the effective treatment of cancer in the medical field. Hot coconut juice has an effect on cysts and tumors. Proven to remedy all types of cancer. This type of treatment with coconut extract only destroys malignant cells, it does not affect healthy cells.…

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Consuming Orange Juice Daily May Reduce The Risk Of Dementia: Try These Interesting Recipes Of Orange Juice

As per a study, published in the Journal of Neurology, consuming orange juice may be linked with a lower risk of memory loss in men over time. Try these interesting yet healthy recipes of orange juice. According to a study, published in the journal Neurology, drinking a glass of orange juice may significantly reduce the risk of dementia. The study focused on the consumption of fruits and vegetables of North American men and their brain functionality for nearly three decades. The average age of men when the data was first…

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Pumpkin Juice For Weight Loss: 5 Health Benefits Of The Veggie Juice That Make It Great For Weight Loss

Pumpkin juice is practically fat-free and low in calories. Here are 5 ways that it can help you in losing weight fast! Well there’s at least a section of people, for whom, pumpkin is always on the mind- health freaks. Pumpkin or kaddu is one vegetable that has always been considered nutritious and delicious. Indians love their pumpkin ki sabzi, which is a spicy, mushy vegetarian dish, eaten with chapatis and pooris. If you’re one of those who don’t like eating pumpkin, then you may be missing out on a…

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