Hypertension : The word ‘Hypertension’ signifies excess of tension in mind but tension is one of the major symptoms of high blood pressure. High pulsation rate and pressure of blood against walls of blood vessels and arteries pushes up blood pressure level. If the cause has not been ascertained and deduced, it is called ‘Essential hypertension’ but when its cause has been ascertained, it is called ‘Primary hypertension’ but both of such forms are known as ‘high blood pressure’. Emotional upsets, family and professional problems, sudden and frequent tense moments,…
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Bed Sores Giving You A Hard Time? Try These Home Remedies For Quick Relief
Because of constant pressure, blood supply reduces in the skin and tissues underneath, thus resulting in bed sores. Bed sores are common among people who are wheelchair bound or bed ridden because of medical reasons. Pressure sores or bed sores are injuries developed when the skin faces pressure for a long time. Bed sores are common among people who are wheelchair bound or bed ridden because of medical reasons. Because of constant pressure, blood supply reduces in the skin and tissues underneath. This results in sores in the area. Pressure…
Read MoreJuice Therapy: Juices to Treat Cancer
Human body is such a complete, but symptomless and mind-boggling an entity, that it is, and still remains a mystery to medical world. Brain, sensorium, emergence of chain of thoughts and ideas, desires, aversions, likes and dislikes, devilish and saintly traits, sudden mood changes, mental tortures and convulsions within mind, and off- shoot of reactionary elements, suicidal and protective tendencies, will to survive, personality traits, love, hatred, attachment, affection and other noble facets are enough to create, for the inquisitive and researching minds, a wide field for thought-growth, but, all…
Read MoreJuice Therapy: Guidelines to Follow Juice Therapy
It is but natural that, before deciding to switch over to juice therapy or make it a part of diet, one way have some inquisitiveness or apprehensions about use of this therapy. In order to allay such probable doubts we give here answers to such possible questions which a reader may like to be dealt with, before deciding to switch over to juice therapy. Is juice therapy a panacea for all disorders? Like all other therapies, juice therapy is also a way, rather a unique method, juice therapy is also…
Read Moreदेशी नुस्खे मधुमेह (Diabetes) रोगियों के लिए
डायबिटीज अब उम्र, देश व परिस्थिति की सीमाओं को लांघ चुका है। इसके मरीजों का तेजी से बढ़ता आंकड़ा दुनियाभर में चिंता का विषय बन चुका है। जानते हैं कुछ देशी नुस्खे मधुमेह रोगियों के लिए – नीबू: मधुमेह के मरीज को प्यास अधिक लगती है। अतः बार-बार प्यास लगने की अवस्था में नीबू निचोड़कर पीने से प्यास की अधिकता शांत होती है। खीरा: मधुमेह के मरीजों को भूख से थोड़ा कम तथा हल्का भोजन लेने की सलाह दी जाती है। ऐसे में बार-बार भूख महसूस होती है। इस स्थिति…
Read Moreइन 50 घरेलु नुस्खों को जीवन में याद रखेगें तो कभी डॉक्टर के पास नहीं जाना पड़ेगा
साधारण छोटे-छोटे प्रयोग जिनको आप अवश्य अपनाए कुछ प्रयोग नीचे दिए गए है जो आपके घर में ही उपलब्ध है अजमाए और लाभ ले 1- अजवायन का साप्ताहिक प्रयोग :- सुबह खाली पेट सप्ताह में एक बार एक चाय का चम्मच अजवायन मुँह में रखें और पानी से निगल लें। चबाएँ नहीं। यह सर्दी, खाँसी, जुकाम, बदनदर्द, कमर-दर्द, पेटदर्द, कब्जियत और घुटनों के दर्द से दूर रखेगा। 10 साल से नीचे के बच्चों को आधा चम्मच 2 ग्राम और 10 से ऊपर सभी को एक चम्मच यानी 5 ग्राम लेना…
Read Moreमासिक धर्म के रुक जाना का घरेलु उपचार – Remedies to reduce Menopause pains
मासिक धर्म स्त्री में होने वाली एक स्वाभाविक प्रक्रिया है| यदि मासिक धर्म में अनियमितता होती है तो स्त्री के शरीर में अन्य विकार उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं| इसका कारण शरीर के भीतर किसी रोग का होना भी हो सकता है| इसके सुचारु रूप से न होने पर स्त्री जीवन भर मातृत्व सुख से वंचित रह जाती है| नुस्खे ~~~ ? 3 ग्राम कालीमिर्च का चूर्ण शहद के साथ सेवन करने से माहवारी ठीक हो जाती है| ? दूब का रस एक चम्मच की मात्रा में प्रतिदिन सुबह के समय…
Read MoreLook for Vitamins Pills in Nature
Nature abounds in Nutrition. So, why pop the pill? City folks hardly have enough time to sit down and have a decent meal. So, to gain the required nutrition, they resort to popping vitamin and mineral supplement. No matter how many vitamin pills you pop in a day, these can never make up for the nutrients that you can gain by tapping the fruits (and vegetables) offered by nature. So, instead of finding the essential vitamins artificially, look for the natural vitamins and include these in your daily diet. Trust…
Read MoreWorld No tobacco day: UP to target heart health & Superfoods to deal with withdrawal symptoms
By: Shailvee Sharda To discourage the use of tobacco among youths, state health department has decided to focus impact of tobacco consumption on health of heart in its IEC campaigns. This is significant considering that one in three adults in the state consume tobacco as per data from health ministry. Citing data from world health organisation on the eve of world no tobacco day, health minister Siddharth Nath Singh said over two million persons die of cardiovascular disease caused by tobacco consumption. “Since, tobacco is a dual killer, we have decided to launch a targeted…
Read MoreNational Dengue Day 2018: This Juice Could Prove To Be An Effective Remedy For Dengue Fever
National Dengue day is aimed towards spreading awareness about Dengue fever, make people understand the condition and how to take preventive steps It is the National Dengue Day today. National Dengue day is aimed towards spreading awareness about Dengue fever, make people understand the condition and how to take preventive steps. Each year, dengue fever causes significant casualties. In the year 2017, India saw 11,832 more cases of dengue compared with 2016, and the number of deaths from the vector-borne disease was also higher than the last year. According to…
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