1) Do this exercise to prevent symptoms of the condition developing DEMENTIA is an umbrella term used to describe different diseases which progressively damage the brain. There is currently no cure for the condition, but experts believe there are ways to prevent it developing. Dementia tends to occur in older people and triggers symptoms such as memory loss, difficulty concentrating and problems with planning and reasoning. The four main types of dementia are vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Getting older is the biggest risk factor…
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9 Tips to Stay Healthy & Safe During Deepawali
With Diwali round the corner, making sweets, shopping and decorating the house becomes the top priority. But this festival of lights, joy and togetherness is also inundated with loud fireworks and crackers and with whole lot of sweets, snacks and more. But that doesn’t mean Diwali have to be unsafe and unhealthy. With just a little bit of precautions you can actually play it safely. Marked with pompous celebration, displays of stunning fireworks, family feast and deep seated tradition, Diwali – the five-day festival is observed by millions of Indians…
Read MoreDiwali 2017: 8 Skin Care Tips to Glow This Festive Season
With these handy tips, nothing can stop you from glowing through the Diwali 2017 celebrations. The festival of lights Diwali is here. And we can’t wait to deck ourselves in the best clothes and accessories and make most of the festive celebrations. But in the midst of all the dressing up and accessorizing don’t make the blunder of missing out on tending to your skin. After all, it is your radiant skin that is going to help you shine bright this season. With these handy tips, nothing can stop you…
Read MoreEat smart this Diwali!
By: Shimpli Patil The festive season has begun and the excitement sees no bounds. After having loads of fun during Navratri it’s now the festival of lights- Diwali. With Diwali comes outings, guests visit, dinner parties, etc. all of which are inevitable. More often than not we end up indulging in sweets and other sinful foods and then feel guilty for all the wrong eating, which then makes us look for some easy and quick ways to shed off those extra kilos that we gained during the festive season. But,…
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चीनी : एक ज़हर ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♦ बन्द कर दें, चीनी का प्रयोग । क्योंकि यह चीनी आपके शरीर को बिमारियों का घर बना रही है, 766 जहर से । जिसका नाम है सल्फर । सल्फर को सरल भाषा में समझ लीजिये – सल्फर का मतलब होता है गंधक । गंधक यानि दीवाली पर चलने वाले पटाखों का मसाला । बच्चे जो दीवाली पे पटाखे चलाते हैं, फुलझड़ी चलाते हैं, बम चलाते हैं, अनार चलाते हैं, ये सभी गंधक से ही बनते हैं और इसी गंधक से चीनी बनती है ।…
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कृपया इसे ध्यान से पढ़े और अपने मित्रों और परिवार को सलाह दें ! आप किसी का जीवन बचा सकते हैं ! पहली घटना: एक छोटा बच्चा इसलिए मर गया क्योंकि डॉक्टर को उसके दिमाग में चींटियाँ ही चींटियाँ मिली ! जो स्पष्ट करता है कि बच्चा या तो मुँह में कोई मीठी चीज रख के सो गया या या उसके बगल में सोते समय कोई खाने की मीठी चीज रखी रह गई. चींटियाँ उसके पास पहुँच गईं और उसके कान के अंदर घुस गई और वहाँ से किसी तरह…
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