by Anil Rajvanshi Kapalbhati is a part of Pranayam kriya where one forcefully exhales rapidly and in short bursts. Practitioners claim that it helps in cleaning lungs and in exercising the abdomen muscles. It is therefore recommended for reducing tummy fat. The word Kapalbhati means skull illumination ! Yogis claim that practicing it cleans the brain and gives shining quality to a person’s appearance. Modern science may give credence to this claim. Recently researchers have shown that nanoparticles (particle size of 10-30 nanometers which are almost 10-20 times smaller than those…
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How to Beat Fatigue
We have a good check fatigue to guide us. It works as a safety value as a limit to exercise. We can gauge the amount of exercise we should take for best results. Beyond that we begin getting fatigued. When we run or do exercises the breath becomes deeper. There is frequent bringing in of more oxygen into the lungs, which gets absorbed in the blood. Carbon dioxide form the blood gets eliminated in to the air while we breathe out. This increase in breath is called “second wind”. If…
Read MoreHave We Been Cooking Rice The Right Way or Poisoning Ourselves Instead?
Rice is an important staple in India. There are many states across the country that cannot function without their daily dose of rice. Take West Bengal for instance, or Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Goa, Assam and Meghalaya, among others. Across the globe too, rice is used in the making of various regional delicacies. While the most common method of cooking is to boil it in water, you can also grind soaked rice to make a batter, or pound it into a coarse powder and use. There’s no doubt that we…
* If you are worried about your skin problems or you are tired of using different types of cosmetics for glowing skin then start drinking a glass of hot water daily. Your skin will start glowing and will be problem free. * Drinking a glass of warm water can give relief to stomach pain during periods. Warm water actually relaxes the muscles which are stretched due to the pain during periods. * Drinking hot water removes the poisonous toxins from body. Drinking hot water early morning on empty stomach and…
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