Control your Risk factors

Minimize Heart attack risk by controlling Stress, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Blood Sugar, Bloodpressure, Smoking and Obesity See video by Dr.Bimal Chhajer Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician

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Why heart attacks are more prevalent in winters

The body responds to cold by constricting superficial blood vessels, which decreases thermal conduction in the skin and subsequently increases arterial blood pressure. Other responses are shivering and increased heart rate, which raise the metabolic rate and in turn increase body temperature. The risk of suffering a heart attack is more likely to peak in the winter season and decline in summers because air temperature acts as an external trigger for the life threatening disease, an analysis has shown. The findings revealed that the average number of heart attacks per…

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DON’T have that nighttime snack! Eating out of sync with your biological clock puts you at risk for heart disease and diabetes, a new study shows

By Natalie Rahhal The body is less able to process triglycerides when we eat at the wrong time, the study found  Triglyceride build-up in the blood increases our risk of developing heart disease and diabetes The researchers found that when they took out the part of the brains of rats that regulates the biological clock, when they ate made no difference to triglyceride buildup in their bloodstreams Night and rotating-shift workers are particularly at risk because their eating schedules are inevitably out of sync with their biological clocks Eating late…

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Benefits of drinking Milk with Cinnamon

दूध (Milk) तो हम में से कई लोग पीते है फिर भी लोगो को शिकायत रहती है कि उन्हें दूध पचता नही है और ना ही शरीर को लगता है। आज हम आपको एक ऐसी चीज बतायेंगे जिसे दूध में डालकर पीने से आपका शरीर फौलाद की तरह बन जायेगा। आप बीमारियों से कोसों दूर हो जाएंगे और एक स्वस्थ-निरोगी काया पाएंगे। ये चीज है दालचीनी (Cinnamon)  जिसे हम दैनिक जीवन मे बहुतायत से उपयोग करते है पर इसके कई फायदों से अनजान हैं। दालचीनी को इसके अनोखे गुणों के…

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How sleeping less could severely damage your brain

New study finds people not sleeping the required amount could suffer terrible health effects and may not even know it Are you getting less that six hours a sleep a night? Then you need to be aware of how this habit can cause alcohol abuse like damaging effects, according to a new study. Sleep deprivation is known to cause depression, heart attacks, strokes and obesity. Now, researchers from Quebec-based digital health company Medisys have found it can severely damage the brain, the Daily Mail reported. Being awake for 18 hours straight can be…

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Actor Inder Kumar Passes Away At 45: Here Are 5 Things You Should Know In A Heart Attack Emergency

By Shreya Suresh Kumar Bollywood actor Inder Kumar passed away this morning at around 2 am because of heart attack. This news has come as a shock to everybody since he was just 45. May his soul RIP! Bollywood actor Inder Kumar, who is best known for his role in movies like Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi, Kahin Pyaar Na Ho Jaye and Wanted passed away this morning. He suffered from a heart attack at his residence and died in his sleep. He was only 45 years old and this news has come as a shock. Inder…

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Now, heart attack risk can be predicted by your blood group

New Delhi: India is presently witnessing nearly two million heart attacks annually. A heart attack (clinically known as myocardial infarction) is the permanent damage or death of the heart muscles due to lack of oxygen-rich blood. According to reports, heart attack kills one person in every 33 seconds in our country. In the recent past, several reasons have been attributed to the paradigm shift in the age groups suffering from heart attacks to younger age brackets. A heart attack could be induced by poor diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, high blood…

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Breastfeeding may cut heart attack, stroke risk in mothers : study

A study claims that, breastfeeding is not only healthy for the baby, but also reduces the mother’s risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke later in life. Among mothers who breastfed each of their babies for two years or more, heart disease risk was 18 per cent lower and stroke risk was 17 per cent lower than among mothers who never breastfed, researchers said. Breastfeeding is not only healthy for the baby, but also reduces the mother’s risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke later in life, a…

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Just a week of painkiller use may up heart attack risk: Study

The NSAIDs of interest to the researchers were celecoxib, the three main traditional NSAIDs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, and naproxen), and rofecoxib. Using commonly prescribed painkillers such as ibuprofen and diclofenac for just a week can increase the risk of a heart attack by up to 50 per cent, a new study warns. According to the study published in The BMJ journal, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat pain and inflammation could be raising risk of having a heart attack as early as in the first week of use and especially within…

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Are You Sleeping More On Weekends? If So, Watch Out For Heart Disease

Each hour of social jet lag is associated with an 11-per cent increase in the likelihood of heart disease We have bad news for you – if you’re someone who waits for the weekend to catch up on all your sleep, you may want to change this habit. Going to bed late and waking up late on weekends may lead to social jet lag which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, poorer health and worse mood. According to researchers from the University of Arizona, social jet lag…

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