Charan Sparsh – Touching the feet of the elderly gives you these benefits

by Dr Partap Chauhan The act of touching the feet of the elderly to seek blessings is as old as our traditions. In addition to being an act of showing respect, there are several health benefits of Charan Sparsh. Transfer of energy aura When you touch the feet of your elders, teachers and parents your fingertips and palm connect with their feet and as they place their palm to touch your head, an energy transfer occurs. The positive energy flows into your body and increases your Prana energy. Modesty through introspection …

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Thinking of Losing Weight With Intermittent Fasting? This Is the Best Method For Beginners

Losing weight seems to have a common theme: restriction. You have to say no to carbs, or sugar, or grains, or alcohol, or oil, or nuts, or pizza, or fruit, or . . . fun! I mean, what kind of life is that? No wonder diets fail and people end up regaining the weight back. It’s just not sustainable. This is where intermittent fasting (IF) comes into play. You don’t have to restrict what you eat, you just pay attention to when. How does IF help with weight loss? Fasting expert Jason Fung, MD,…

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Why should we celebrate National Energy Conservation Day?

Energy Conservation Day is not a gimmick. And it also shouldn’t be looked upon as a one time – annual event. National Energy Conservation Day is organized on 14th December each year by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under the Ministry of Power.  The aim is to demonstrate India’s achievements in energy efficiency and conservation, while working towards its ambition of holistic development as part of the nation’s overall effort towards climate change mitigation. Energy is the foundation of economic development of any country. India too, in its march towards the forefront, is a…

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Power of Perception

By Shakti Durga In a world of endless and often conflicting data, how do we make sense of it all? The power of perception enables us to sort what is real and true from what is false and misleading. It enables us not only to analyze but also to synthesize correctly. A lot of people these days, because of the way our education is, we’re really good at analyzing things. We can go drilling deeper and deeper and deeper into things, but what about gathering this from here and this…

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Constant Karm

By Meena Om Never stop doing karm. Karm is not about making money. Just continue working. Doing your work is most essential, irrespective of the fact that it brings in money or success. And the most gratifying thing is to be able to work, to be able to do your work using all your faculties. Always be on the move; keep moving ahead. Movement is the greatest satisfying factor. For this you don’t need any assistance, help, money, advises. Just keep on working, doing something. Be on your on your…

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7 Surprising Health Benefits of Fasting

“The Best Medicines of All are Fasting & Resting” Would you believe us if we say that you can feel energetic, shed off those stubborn pounds, kick-start your metabolism and enjoy a whole array of amazing health benefits, all by doing nothing? Say Hello to the fantastic benefits of “Fasting.” Fasting is nothing new to us. Our prehistoric ancestors, who didn’t eat anything during the day, as they took part in wild hunts, Hindu sages and rishis who went for days without food to the present day religious fasts during…

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The Power to Change Direction

by Shakti Durga The Power to Change Direction The image on the card from my Strength of the Soul deck is of train tracks. The train can either go this way or that way. What are you going to choose? That’s the power to know that you have a choice really. The power to change direction frees us from the continuation of situations that we’ve outgrown. We humbly flex and flow. We don’t stick to plans that are clearly floored. We follow the call of our spirit to take another direction…

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Diabetes: 8 Important Diet Tips To Manage Blood Sugar Levels and Control Diabetes

Diabetes: We enlist some important diet tips that you should keep in mind in order to keep your blood sugar levels in check We all know, diabetes is an incurable disease; however, one can manage it well through eating healthy diet, engaging in exercises and leading a physically active lifestyle. Ideally, in order to manage blood sugar levels, you must avoid high carb foods and include more protein- and fibre- rich foods that will help control diabetes and keep your blood glucose levels in check. Moreover, if you are a diabetic,…

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No Thankyou, No Sorry!

Blog by Meena Om If one gets good energy, it cannot be returned or paid back by saying ‘thank you’, or even stop it from flowing further. It has come for a reason, for your growth, there is some wisdom in it, and you have no right to halt it where it is by saying ‘thank you’ and ending the matter. If you think someone has done something good for you, done you a favour, then pass it on to others, meaning if someone comes to you, behave with him in the…

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National Nutrition Week 2018: Theme & History

National Nutrition Week is observed every year from 1st September to 7 September to aware people about the importance of nutrition for the Human Body and well being of health. People should include a healthy diet in their daily routine like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fat-free milk etc. with full of nutrition which not only helps in growth but also make immune system strong. National Nutrition Week 2018: Theme The theme for National Nutrition Week 2018 is ‘Go Further with Food’ and in 2017 was ‘Optimal Infant & Young Child Feeding Practices: Better…

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