Charan Sparsh – Touching the feet of the elderly gives you these benefits

by Dr Partap Chauhan The act of touching the feet of the elderly to seek blessings is as old as our traditions. In addition to being an act of showing respect, there are several health benefits of Charan Sparsh. Transfer of energy aura When you touch the feet of your elders, teachers and parents your fingertips and palm connect with their feet and as they place their palm to touch your head, an energy transfer occurs. The positive energy flows into your body and increases your Prana energy. Modesty through introspection …

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by Lloyd Sometimes certain health conditions open our awareness to the importance of a balanced lifestyle. Regular medical checkups, exercise and a healthy nutrition are essential to maintain and protect our bodies. Next to all of these we should not forget that there are more ways we can assist our body in the healing process. This article is about KidneyReflexologyFoot Massage, an old traditional form of healing. This practice has been known throughout the ancient China and Egypt, dating far back as 4,000 B.C. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine the Kidney Reflexology point…

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6 tips to avoid spreading the flu at work

The workplace is a breeding ground for germs.  How to avoid spreading the flu at work. (Photo: Pixabay) When one gets sick, all get sick when it comes to the workplace. Let’s fact it, you don’t want to be on the receiving end of a pesky flu, nor do you want to be the cause of spreading it around, right? That’s why it is important to learn a few tricks to avoid the flu at all cost. Dr Susan Besser of Mercy Medical Center in Maryland shares tips in a Daily Mail report. Get a…

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World Head Injury Awareness Day 2018 tomorrow: ways to prevent road traffic accidents and resulting injuries and deaths

Dr NK Venkataramana opines about the best ways to prevent road traffic accident and resulting death on this ‘World Head Injury Awareness Day.’ The number of road accidents in Karnataka, among India’s most literate and progressive states, is the third highest in the country, with Bangalore alone accounting for two deaths in crashes every single day and 700-800 every year. Nationally, too the number looks grim. In all, 1.5 million people sustain serious head injuries every year in India and 60 per cent of them die before reaching a hospital. Studies…

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Home Remedies To Protect Your Skin And Hair This Holi

The festival of colors is almost here and the excitement can be felt in the air. Days are getting warmer with spirits soaring high. The liberating blend of colors and excitement is knocking on our doors. We’re all ready to welcome and embrace the joyful fun that the festival of Holi brings. Rows of colour shops have already cropped up in busy marketplaces with a variety of fountain guns and colour balloons available for purchase. But precautions must be taken as playing Holi can be harmful for your skin and…

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Do Not Hate Mud; It Has the Healing Power As Effective As Medicine

In early days mud is used to rinse hair or scrubbing body. Including these, now in every naturopathy centers mud is used in various ways for healthily and glossy skin. This important natural element is the rich source of minerals which is very necessary for human health. It also absorbs toxins and prevents several diseases. It is used for cooling and relaxing the body as it has the power of moisturizing for a long time. Mud is associated with Earth – one of the five elements of nature. Mud has immense healing…

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Natural Treatments for Hearing Loss

By Dr. Mao Shing Ni AN UNFORTUNATE FACT: THE AVERAGE PERSON starts losing hearing in his or her twenties.   The loss is so gradual that most people don’t notice until it affects their lives. Even when they need to use the highest volume on the television, some people don’t recognize or admit that they have a hearing problem. The gradual deterioration of hearing is primarily a result of the environmental, lifestyle, and dietary choices we make during our youth. The popularity of digital audio players is certainly adding to the problem of…

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