Simple exercise for Knee pain relief

To get relief from knee pain, perform the steps given in video Source: Sanyasi You Research Institute Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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Nourish your Bones with Yoga Bones are living tissues which are involved in a constant process of being broken down and then rebuilt. Experts reveal that men and women have the maximum bone density by the time they turn 30. When the building up process tends to get slower than the breaking down of bones, it is at this stage that the density of the bones starts declining. It sounds scary, and yes, it is. However, this is something that can be easily managed with Yoga. In fact, with regular…

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10 Problems Root (Basic) Chakra Healing Can Help with (and How to Perform It)

If you are feeling anxious or depressed, it could be that your root chakra is blocked. Follow these root chakra healing practices to transform your life. Chakras are energy centres within the body. When they get blocked, energy cannot flow through them and this can cause physical and emotional symptoms. When our root chakra becomes blocked, we can experience a range of physical and mental problems. Read on to find out some of the symptoms of a blocked root chakra and discover some practices that can provide root chakra healing. 10 Symptoms of a blocked…

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When to and When Not to Exercise

Age and Exercise Many people believe that exercise should be done only in childhood. The life process benefits all ages, though the type of exercise may differ. For children, games are the best, because they are interesting and every child likes to play. Children who get involved in studies and neglect games, should be encouraged to play games. If it is not possible then they should be coaxed to doing exercises. If the child plays a game where only legs are exercised then he should be taught exercises for upper…

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How to Exercise

Bending upto a certain point is easy, beyond this point you feel tension in your muscles and if you still go further you will feel pain. Do you exercises upto the point of tension. If you keep on doing exercises the mobility of the joints goes on increasing. The point of pain becomes the point of tension in a few days and gradually you can still go beyond this point without pain. This principle has been used in exercising the patients with stiff joints passively. Movement and pain are indirectly…

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Pearls of Wisdom from Hippocrates

Hippocrates (The Father of Medicine) 1. Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. 2. Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear. 3. If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons…

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Selected Exercises that Can Be Done in Twenty Minutes

Selected exercises which could be done in twenty minutes with small rest periods are listed: Toe Touching Stand erect, feet together arm at side. Take a deep breathe. Raise head, breathe in deeply breathe out slowly as you go down. Touch the floor out side left foot, come up little and down again to touch floor between feet, and touch between feet once more. Come up and touch out side right foot. If you can not touch just move in that direction. Hold your breathe when you come up to…

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How to Pass a Kidney Stone Easily

BY CHRISTOPHER JACOBY Individuals with kidney stones suffer with debilitating pain at the time of releasing the stone. Even though it appears as a very simple process of passing the stone through urine, it also causes severe pain when the stone starts its travel through the narrow passages of the ureters. Every kidney stone cannot be passed through the urine. After analyzing the kidney stones through imaging tests, if the stones are very small in size and can be passed through urine, your physician may recommend some of the given suggestions:…

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Pain Perception

By – Ira Hope Human feels pain because it is one of his survival instincts. Pain will give warning to the body that something dangerous is coming up. If the person is incapable to feel pain, it will be impossible for him to avoid accidents and react to dangerous situations. How do we feel pain? The answer is the human nervous system. The human nervous system is composed of two important parts: the spinal cord that serves as a channel and the brain that sends and receives information. These parts work together to form…

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How do you know when to apply heat or cold to relieve pain?

By Dr. Sanjay Gupta  Choosing between hot and cold therapy for common aches and injuries can be tricky. In general, cold helps minimize inflammation, and heat helps relax muscles, joints, and blood vessels. Cold is usually best for a fresh injury, like a bruise or a sprain. Applying ice or a cold pack immediately reduces swelling by causing blood vessels to constrict. Cold should only be used for the first 48 hours or so after an injury. For chronic or recurring pain, you want more blood in the area because it contains…

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