Happy Teacher’s Day 2018: Teachers, these health tips are for you

If you are able to read this, thank a teacher. Teaching is one of the most revered profession, given the fact that it is our teachers who are the ones who enabled us to chase our dreams. It is no doubt that their guidance, praises and even occasional scoldings have made sure that we do well in all the tests of life. Teaching may have looked all fun and games during our childhood– checking notebooks and writing on the blackboard– we obviously know better now that it is one of…

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Nourish your Bones with Yoga Bones are living tissues which are involved in a constant process of being broken down and then rebuilt. Experts reveal that men and women have the maximum bone density by the time they turn 30. When the building up process tends to get slower than the breaking down of bones, it is at this stage that the density of the bones starts declining. It sounds scary, and yes, it is. However, this is something that can be easily managed with Yoga. In fact, with regular…

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Researchers have shown how yoga and meditation can have positive effects on stress resilience

They also observed increases in the magnitude of the cortisol awakening response (CAR) which is part of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA). Stress affects us all and it isn’t something we can entirely avoid. Researchers have shown how yoga and meditation can have positive effects on stress resilience. A research article investigates the effects of yoga and meditation on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the activity on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) effects and inflammatory markers. By studying the participants of an intensive 3-month yoga and meditation retreat, the…

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Take care of your spinal health to avoid life-long malaise

Over the years spinal health has emerged as one of the major concerns among millennials. Our busy and mostly sedentary lifestyles attached with a digital-heavy exist have resulted in a large number of young professionals being afflicted with back pain. Injuries, poor postures, obesity, heavy schoolbags and puberty are some of the reasons for poor spinal health. Therefore, back pain is a matter of concern and should not be neglected. Apart from diminishing your quality of life, back pain also affects your work and social engagements and in extreme cases,…

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Get to Know the Eight Limbs of Yoga

Patanjali’s eight-fold path offers guidelines for a meaningful and purposeful life. Delve into this prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline.   In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the eightfold path is called ashtanga, which literally means “eight limbs” (ashta=eight, anga=limb). These eight steps basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. They serve as a prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline; they direct attention toward one’s health; and they help us to acknowledge the spiritual aspects of our nature. 1. Yama The first limb, yama, deals with one’s…

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Yogasanas help exercise external as well as internal body parts. This helps with proper body functioning, thereby ensuring good physical health, as well as mental peace and calm.The various postures help correct our physiological and physical imbalances and help us tone our musculo-skeletal system. If practiced properly and regularly, yoga has an extremely rejuvenative and therapeutic effect on our body. If you are a beginner, you should always perform the yogasanas under the supervision of an expert trainer, who would advice you on which asanas are good for you keeping…

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Stand Tall, Stand Proud Believe it or not, posture matters. It works wonders for your body language, thus giving out positive signs about your confidence. However, it is not just confined to your appearance and how others perceive you. Your posture also plays a vital role in maintaining the curve of your spine as well as your overall health. So, if as a child you had ever thought as to what all the brouhaha about posture is, now you know the reason. A bad posture can hurt both your body…

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Cure Back Pain Naturally with Naturopathy

Everybody knows back pain, other than common flu, it is the most common prominent health complication observed across the world. It has reached to younger generations in the recent past, and it’s no longer the illness associated with old age. Often combined with cramps, weakness or numbness, back pain only gets worse over the time. Back pain is caused due to a variety of reasons. Arthritis and Osteoporosis are the chief reason for back pain in older individuals but younger generations are increasingly affected due to stress, poor posture, obesity…

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Embrace Naturopathy for Stress Management

Know Stress, No Stress! Most of the people associate stress only with emotional discomfort, which is not true. Stress is the condition of excessive strain on your body due to adverse circumstances. When a person cannot adapt to the stressful events, it creates a harmful reaction on the body. There are four main type of Stress 1. Physical Stress 2. Psychological Stress 3. Psycho-Social Stress 4. Psycho-Spiritual Stress Physical strain on your body because of surgery, injury, exhaustion, pollution, hunger, substance abuse, toxicity… anything that hampers the functions of the body…

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5 Things About World Spine Day

Celebrate back and neck health on October 16. by: Kelly Rehan Practically everyone on the planet understands back pain, as it’s the leading worldwide cause of disability. The spine endures a lot of wear and tear over the course of a lifetime, but knowing how to care for your back can prevent serious pain and disability. With this in mind, World Spine Day was launched to educate the public about spine conditions—and inspire them to become more active in their own health. What Is World Spine Day? World Spine Day is…

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