Cancer treatment using Pranic Healing & Charity

  By Prof Dr BM Hegde In an experiment, Pranic Healing seems to have cured 88% of cancerous cells. In a repeat study, the cells got cured to the extent of 96%. The KARMA theory was scientifically proven, for the first time Tim Cook, Apple Inc’s chief executive, has joined the list of rich and powerful giving away all their wealth for charity. The 55-year-old is estimated to have a net worth of $780 million, all of which he has donated to charity, after keeping just about enough for his 19-year-old…

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by Vinod Nigam It doesn’t diminish my respect for God’s power in the slightest to realize that God primarily works through the mind to summon up resources of healing in a person’s body. —— Dr. Paul Brand Study after study has shown that people who worship regularly live longer than those who don’t. They tend to have lower blood pressure, lower death rates from cardiovascular disease, less depression and less early death from various causes. What scientists are discovering is that having faith, of any kind, has a powerful health-protective effect…

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by Meena Om   Healing means that a person does not have energy to cope with his problems and he keeps sinking into them, second, his mind is not into contemplation or meditation or dhyan that he can find solution to his problems, third, he is set to grow, set for change that is why problems or diseases have come to him. So I often say, toxins in the body, undesirable thoughts in the mind, burden on your soul all create diseases. Why they come so that we can learn from…

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10 Problems Root (Basic) Chakra Healing Can Help with (and How to Perform It)

If you are feeling anxious or depressed, it could be that your root chakra is blocked. Follow these root chakra healing practices to transform your life. Chakras are energy centres within the body. When they get blocked, energy cannot flow through them and this can cause physical and emotional symptoms. When our root chakra becomes blocked, we can experience a range of physical and mental problems. Read on to find out some of the symptoms of a blocked root chakra and discover some practices that can provide root chakra healing. 10 Symptoms of a blocked…

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The 7 Chakras

The study of 7 chakras originates in Eastern spiritual traditions that consider the seven primary chakras the basis of our human existence. Similarly, today’s Western approaches place en emphasis on the seven chakras as representations of different aspects of our life and describe their function in various terms encompassing the psychological, physical, energetic and spiritual. 7 Major Chakras Overview The basic human chakra system, as it is commonly accepted, consists of seven chakras stretching from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Their names, locations and corresponding chakra colors are:…

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Sewa is Effortless Service

by Meena Om   True Sewa The moment you become a good human being, the moment you start following spiritual laws, whatever be your output, it will be beautiful. You don’t have to work on your skills, separately. Once you start working on yourself whatever you do comes out beautiful, it will just flow and touch everyone who sees it. Opportunities To Serve It Is Always Aound You don’t have to go anywhere to do sewa or self-less service. It is we who have created these artificial compartments that here we…

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Magic of Herbs at your fingertips Vegetables and fruits are an integral part of the Indian diet. However, one often tends to overlook the importance of herbs in our meals. Apart from enhancing the flavor of your food, herbs are power packed with healing properties. Ayurveda and Naturopathy believe in the health benefits of the herbs and support that including these in your daily diet can work wonders for your overall well being. You may be already using most of them in your cooking. But the knowledge about their healing…

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Breathe wholly and live a wholesome life We usually take breathing for granted. It is something that happens in the natural way and thus does not need a second thought. But this is only till the time the breathing is regular. Once you start facing breathing issues, every breath counts, literally. It has been seen that most people rush to the doctors for a dose of antibiotics to get a quick relief. While this can surely give you some relief, this is definitely not a long term solution. What you…

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Pranic healing: A holistic cure without drugs

By: Joanna Lobo The full moon means different things to different people – a symbol of beauty, a religious sign. For pranic healers, the full moon is a day on which the earth’s energy becomes positive. Pranic healing is a holistic, no-touch method of healing that treats a person on the physical, emotional and mental levels by treating the human energy field. The word ‘pranic’ is derived from prana, or life energy. Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, a Filipino of Chinese descent, is credited with introducing the concept. Rajesh Prajapati, a healer…

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Magnet Therapy: How Magnets are a Healing Tool

As children, we have all been fascinated by pieces of iron .that attracted and repelled each other with unimaginable force. We played with the little pieces in awe of the ‘magic’ they seemed to exude until parents and teachers explained to us that they were ‘magnets’ and that Nature had invested in them properties to attract and repel. The entire cosmos, comprising universes and infinite galaxies of stars and planets, is delicately balanced by magnetism. Since man also shares the subtle and crude forces of the cosmos, it makes sense…

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