Do drugs and pills, really make us Healthy?

Break Free from the Vicious Cycle of Prescription Drugs and Over-the-Counter Medicines Nausea, dizziness, anxiety, muscle pain, hair loss, insomnia, fluid retention, weight gain, liver damage – these are just a few of the side effects of some of the most common prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications. The Never-ending Cycle of Prescription Drugs Let’s face it. We all want to take a “magic pill” that instantly vanquishes all our health problems. But, the truth is any pill or medication that you take, doesn’t work in a vacuum. It isn’t intended…

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7 Home Remedies for Chickenpox

Chickenpox is a viral infection that causes itching and flu-like symptoms. While the varicella vaccine is 90 percent effective in preventing chickenpox, the varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox doesn’t have a cure. If you do get chickenpox, treatment involves managing symptoms until your body fights off the infection. The disease most often affects children under age 12. Here are some kid-friendly remedies that can help you or your little one feel better until your immune system fends off the virus. 1. Apply calamine lotion Calamine lotion can help reduce itching. This lotion contains skin-soothing…

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5 common question on throat cancer and its treatment answered

Dr Sanjiv Badhwar answers some of the frequently asked questions about throat cancer treatment. By: Bhavyajyoti Chilukoti  Throat cancer is the cancer of the voice box, the vocal cords, and other parts of the throat, such as the tonsils and oropharynx. However, there are many questions related to it. Such as does it lead to voice problems? What are the best treatment options for throat cancer? And other common questions on throat cancer and its treatment are answered by Dr Sanjiv Badhwar, Consultant and Head – ENT, Head Neck Robotic Surgeon, Otolaryngologist, Mumbai. 1. How…

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जरूर खाए कच्चा प्याज (Raw Onion), होंगे ये बड़े फायदे

जरूर खाए कच्चा प्याज, होंगे ये बड़े फायदे – भोजन के साथ सलाद के रूप में खाया जाने वाला कच्चा प्याज हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत अच्छा होता है। सैंडविच, सलाद या फिर चाट, प्याज सभी के स्वाद को दोगुना कर देता है। यदि आपको डर है कि प्याज खाने से दुर्गंध आएगी तो खाने के बाद माउथ फ्रेशनर खाइए या ब्रश कर लीजिए, लेकिन प्याज जरूर खाइए। आहार विशेषज्ञों की मानें तो यह यौन दुर्बलता को दूर करने में भी बहुत उपयोगी है। यौन शक्ति के संवर्धन एवं संरक्षण के…

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World Hemophilia Day 2018 tomorrow: World Federation of Hemophilia to promote and encourage ‘Sharing Knowledge’

World Hemophilia Day is an opportunity to help people with bleeding disorders live healthier, longer and more productive lives by educating and empowering them through knowledge sharing. On April 17, 2018, the global bleeding disorders community and the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) will come together to promote and encourage Sharing Knowledge and the role it plays in building a stronger community. World Hemophilia Day is an opportunity to help people with bleeding disorders live healthier, longer and more productive lives by educating and empowering them through knowledge sharing, information…

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World Tuberculosis Day 2018: One in ten Indian women affected by TB related ailment

With over 20 lakh cases of Tuberculosis worldwide, India is the second leading country to contribute to the related mortality rate. With over 20 lakh cases of Tuberculosis worldwide, India is the second leading country to contribute to the related mortality rate. Usually the TB bacteria affects the lungs, and if left unnoticed, it can also spread throughout the body and cause secondary infection affecting the kidneys, abdomen, brain, uterus and even the fallopian tubes. Genital TB can be a great cause of concern for both the partners if they are trying to…

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Nail Abnormalities

What are nail abnormalities? Healthy nails appear smooth and have consistent coloring. As you age, you may develop vertical ridges, or your nails may be a bit more brittle. This is harmless. Spots due to injury should grow out with the nail. Abnormalities — such as spots, discoloration, and nail separation — can result from injuries to the fingers and hands, viral warts (periungual warts), infections (onychomycosis), and some medications, such as those used for chemotherapy. Certain medical conditions can also change the appearance of your fingernails. However, these changes…

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7 Foods that Help relieve Hemorrhoids

Inflammation of the veins in the lower rectum and anus is known as hemorrhoids. People prone to constipation are susceptible to hemorrhoids or piles. The pressure exerted on the veins while straining the anus to pass hardened stool, leads to this condition. People suffering from hemorrhoids experience pain, irritation, itching and discomfort in the anal region. Painless bleeding may occur while passing bowel. Fortunately, hemorrhoids can be reversed with appropriate treatment. Foods that help to soften stools and ease bowel movement provide rapid relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The…

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