Some common skin care problems are pricking and burning sensations, tiny and itchy bumps, oily skin, itchy rashes which comes with discomfort and pain, uneven skin tone, folliculitis, acne breakout and heat burn. The hot summer season is here! While we do take care of the nutritional requirement to beat the heat during summers, there are times we forget a proper skin care routine. During the hot and sultry weather, we do face a lot of skin problems. These may include pricking and burning sensations, tiny and itchy bumps, oily skin, itchy…
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Negative Effects of Over Eating
By Jason Ladock Overeating is a disorder which not only affects physical health but causes a lot of stress at the mental and emotional level also. Some people tend to eat just because they feel bored or they have nothing to do! Others get into such undesirable habits to improve their physical appearance. Emotional mood swings like anger, sadness, distress, disappointment or betrayal makes people eat a lot more than they realize. In certain cases, medications for other treatments cause hunger due to which people start eating a lot. Overeating causes…
Read MoreHealing Herbs & Spices
Medicine Cabinet in your kitchen Oregano Mint Ginger Garlic Fenugreek Fennel Clove Sage Thyme Turmeric Basil Black Pepper Cayenne Cinnamon Dill Rosemary Source:
Read More9 Ways to Loose Bad Breath Naturally
Certain foods, dry mouth, etc. can leave you with bad breath. But when you are on the go you cannot always rush to a restroom to brush your teeth. There are many mouth fresheners that are available in the market. But, how about carrying some natural breath fresheners readily available in your kitchen cabinet to help tame your bad mouth odour? Here is a list of few of them: 1. Fennel seeds or saunf Fennel seeds are routinely chewed upon after meals to alleviate indigestion. But did you know that they…
Read MoreFart Facts: 10 Facts About Farting
Why do people fart? Why do farts smell? It’s one of the most common bodily functions of all time. Everyone does it. In fact, the word “fart” is one of the oldest words in the English language! 1. What is a fart, exactly? Farts are caused by trapped air, which can come from many sources. Some of it is air that we have swallowed while chewing or drinking. Some air is caused by gas seeping into our intestines from our blood, and some gas is produced by chemical reactions in…
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