Acupressure Therapy

Good Video explaining Acupressure points on palm with its benefits Source: WhatsApp   Disclaimer: Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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Struggling to sleep? Cultivating a purpose in life will help

A study, based on older adults, suggests cultivating purpose in life could be drug-free strategy to improve sleep. This is the first study to show having a purpose in life specifically results in fewer sleep disturbances and improved sleep quality and over a long period of time. Previous research showed having a purpose in life generally improves overall sleep when measured at a single point in time. Although the participants in the study were older, researchers said the findings are likely applicable to the broader public. “Helping people cultivate a…

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Don’t ignore that persistent back-ache! It could be the first sign of lung cancer

By Dr Gagan Saini Lung cancer conjures up an image of a chronic smoker. While it is true that smoking causes 4 in 5 cases of lung cancer, the trend of lung cancer in non-smokers is also on the rise. A recent study reported a doubling of lung cancer incidence in non-smokers and this was not due to change of proportions but due to rise of absolute numbers. This brings up the question of why non-smokers get lung cancer. Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal…

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Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Arthritis And Joint Pain – An Amazing Homemade Recipe!

Arthritis can affect different parts of the body and you can feel very strong pain. Joint pain is a common medical condition and it can be from mild to severe. This kind of pain can be relieved with a proper rest and proper therapy, but sometimes this pain can be unbearable. You have tried a lot of painkillers hoping that they will help you get rid of the pain, but it was unsuccessful. The natural cures are more effective and they are based on healthy ingredients and safe treatments. These…

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Ginger Massage best for Kidney failure, dialysis patients

Thiruvananthapuram: India is gifted with rich sources of traditional medicine which require documentation, conservation and scientific validation. This ginger therapy was followed from the book, Ayurveda Secrets of healing by Maya Tiwari. This was introduced and done by S. Pari, a software engineer, for his father G. Shanmugam who suffered with kidney failure. The posted on the youtube claims that it restored the failed kidney function to the normal level and he stopped dialysis. Procedure for Ginger Massage 1. Take 125 g of washed ginger and cut them into pieces…

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Naturopathy Treatments

<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; URL=/Urbanatural/posts/1582917861998761?_fb_noscript=1″ /> HEALING MEANS Though our body has the power and strength to correct any problems and regain balance and health, there are some simple and effective means by which we can help it regain the homeostasis and balance. Naturopathy or natural healing has been utilizing the elements and factors like water, sun,earth food and exercise to assist the body/ affected body parts to correct itself. Most of this is focused on removing the toxic elements that are the root cause of the malfunction. 1.Diet Therapy: You…

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Home Remedies For Memory Improvement: Diet, Exercise, Tips For Better Memory

Don’t you remember where you kept your car keys? Falling short of memory on the list of items you were asked to get from the grocery store? Or is it you are not able to recall those three sentences you were taught at your moral class? If anything such is happening with you then perhaps you require special treatment for your memory improvement. No, this is nothing too serious to worry about but yes! It might off course be a big reason to worry if not taken care of now.…

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Home Remedies for Spondylitis

Spondylitis, a form of spondylopathy, is caused by the inflammation of the vertebra and is a common cause of neck and back pain. Spondylitis develops gradually and unobtrusively, with the patient only becoming aware of the condition once it has matured. The pain, at times excruciating, is usually the first indication the patient has that something is amiss. This pain is usually concentrated around the neck, shoulder and lower back and radiates outwards along the limbs. The three types of spondylitis are categorized according to the region of the body…

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