Happy Teacher’s Day 2018: Teachers, these health tips are for you

If you are able to read this, thank a teacher. Teaching is one of the most revered profession, given the fact that it is our teachers who are the ones who enabled us to chase our dreams. It is no doubt that their guidance, praises and even occasional scoldings have made sure that we do well in all the tests of life. Teaching may have looked all fun and games during our childhood– checking notebooks and writing on the blackboard– we obviously know better now that it is one of…

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Essence of Wellness

Nowadays, we associate wellness with our physical well-being, stamina, and ability. The fact is that, wellness is a broad term that accounts for our physical, mental and spiritual health. We are very able to see the benefits or detriments to our physical body, but many times are oblivious to or take for granted our mental and spiritual welfare. Our bodies though, work at every level to give us optimal health. Any disturbance at any layer of energy can disrupt our soundness. There are many dimensions to our wellness, and when…

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How to eat when preparing for exam

By: Annabel Dsouza While the three-big-meals-a day is common and convenient, exam time requires a slow but steady flow of energy to the body and hence, having frequent smaller meals is a good idea. “Even a slight, involuntary feeling of hunger can break the flow of study and impair concentration. Hence, avoid heavy meals during the day; opt for light fibre rich foods like fresh fruit or bhel every two hours. A little bit of dark chocolate can also be useful in feeling satiated. Avoid processed foods as they tend…

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