Naturopathy Day: डायबीटीज से हैं पीड़ित या हाई बीपी की है परेशानी, नेचुरोपैथी से पाएं इलाज

नेचुरोपैथी की थेरपी शुरू करने से पहले इसके एक्सपर्ट से राय जरूर लेनी चाहिए। थेरपी के लिए सामान की कीमतों में फर्क हो सकता है। वहीं इलाज के तरीके और असर में भी कुछ अंतर संभव है। भारत सरकार के आयुष मंत्रालय ने 18 नवंबर 2018 को पहले नेचुरोपैथी डे के रूप में मनाने का फैसला किया है। दरअसल, राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी का नेचुरोपैथी से इलाज में बहुत यकीन था। इसलिए 18 नवंबर 1945 को महात्मा गांधी ने ‘ऑल इंडिया नेचर क्योर फाउंडेशन ट्रस्ट’ की स्थापना की थी। कुदरत के…

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Bowel cleansing using Enemas

Would it benefit me to have regular enemas to help remove excess toxins from my body? What is an Enema? A bowel enema is the procedure of introducing liquids to cleanse the colon via the anus.  The water volume causes expansion of the lower gastrointestinal tract causing the bowel wall to contract releasing wastes from the bowel wall.  This method can result in an uncomfortable feeling of bloating, cramping, strong peristalsis and a feeling of urgency or need to evacuate the bowels.  Enemas can be beneficial in helping to restore…

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Hydrotherapy – Naturopathy Treatment

Hydrotherapy is an ancient form of treatment where water is used in different forms to relieve physical and mental ailments and to recharge body vitality. Water has extraordinary healing properties at different temperatures. Internal applications includes intake of water, enema, sniffing of water. External applications includes bath, packs, compress, sprays etc. Benefits: Helps maintain hydration of the body Helps in proper secretion of body fluids and maintenance of Ph Aids digestion and prevents constipation Improves skin condition and nourishes it Helps in detoxification Being a universal solvent, its use helps…

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Detox yourself with this expert-recommended diet plan

Consult a nutritionist before you undergo such a diet and inform him/her about any health problems you are suffering from. By – Neha Chandna In today’s hectic lifestyle, our bodies are exposed to a lot of toxins through air pollution, food and water. Use of preservatives in packaged food, presence of pesticides in vegetables all lead to toxins depositing in our body. Some of the harmful effects of this toxicity are indigestion, headache, tiredness, skin problems, poor concentration, etc. It is important to go on a detox diet in order to…

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